Chapter 5
Measurement Definition
Measurement Parameter Definition
PW (Pulse Width) Measurement
PW is defined as the average of the widths for a number of positive and negative pulses. It
is formed at a specific voltage level of the readback pulse. The Agilent E5022/E5023
measures it and averages PW for several periods.
When an oscilloscope module is used for PW measurement, PW is measured as the
average pulse width for a number of waveform periods. The number of waveform periods
is specified by the “hpe5022_waveAverage” function.
The threshold voltage is given as a percentage level between the real-time-measured
baseline and TAA levels. The baseline definition is shown in the Figure 5-4. The threshold
level can be set by the “hpe5022_wavePw_Q”.
Parametric Module
When the parametric module is used for PW measurement, it is measured as the average
pulse width for a number of revolutions. The number of revolutions is specified by the
‘ave’ parameter.
The threshold voltage is given as a percentage level between the baseline reference
specified by the “hpe5022_baselineReference” function and the TAA levels. PW positive
(PW+) is the average of the widths for positive peaks, and PW negative (PW-) is the
average for negative peaks
The threshold level for PW can be set by the “hpe5022_pwThreshold” function.
Figure 5-2
Track Mode PW Measurement Definition
When tracked mode is selected in “hpe5022_pwThreshold”, the TAA level serves as a
reference of PW, and becomes the real-time-measured TAA value. (Figure 5-2)
When the fixed mode is selected, TAA level is defined by the “hpe5022_taaReference”
function. (Figure 5-3)
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