Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration
Group Permissions from Configuration Editors > Security > Group Permissions Editor
Group Permissions
Finally, define the permissions for each
User Group
using the
Configuration Editors
Group Permissions Editor
. Select a Group in the drop-down list. The list of
configured users is displayed (and users can be added here as well). The right panel shows
the various rights available in the system, and the status for the current group:
Grayed = access disabled
Black, underlined = access enabled
Black, italic = access enabled by inheriting from another granted access.
In this example, access has been granted to certain Security permissions (Groups, and User
Groups, but not Edit Tasks). Access is granted to all configuration items at the topmost level,
and all sub-tasks are permitted by inheritance. For example, to turn off Edit ADVP Rules, first
remove the overall Edit Configurations permission and then add the individual permissions.
Expand and Collapse the tree diagram using the buttons on the ribbon.