1.1. Application
1.1.1. "AFLOWT BUF" battery powered ultrasonic flow meter of BUF-311 ver-
sion is designed to measure average volumetric flow rate and volume of
bidirectional flows of cold and hot water.
The flow meters may be used as part of metering systems and au-
tomatic process control systems in power industry and municipal engi-
neering applications.
1.1.2. "AFLOWT BUF" battery powered ultrasonic flow meter, BUF-311 ver-
sion, performs the following functions:
- Measuring average volumetric flow rate in either forward or reverse flow
- Totalizing volume of forward and reverse flows independently or calcu-
lating their algebraic sum with regard to flow direction
- Determining the current value of flow velocity and flow direction
- Outputting measurement results to the frequency/pulse or logical output
- Logging of measurement data and configuration settings in the internal
nonvolatile memory
- Displaying measurement, configuration and history (logged) data on the
built-in indicator (LCD) and outputting the data to the external devices
via M-BUS interface or RS-485 interface
- Configuring the flow meter according to on-site and process require-
- Monitoring and indicating alarm conditions (ER, error situations) and
faults; recording error and fault types and intervals into the correspond-
ing logs
- Protecting logged data and configuration settings from unauthorized ac-