+ User Manual
On the back side of the board, several small configuration jumpers can be found. A soldering
iron is required to apply some tin that shorts (closes) the jumper. Alternatively a bit of
conductive glue can be used.
Overview of the configuration jumpers and their purpose:
JP1 - (default state: open)
When closed this will write-protect the on-board EEPROM. This will prevent the
board configuration and stepper code from being overwritten inadvertently.
JP2 - (default state: open)
When closed, the Emergency Stop input will be edge sensitive (latching). When
open the input is level sensitive.
JP3 - (default state: open)
When closed, pin #16 of J5 will connect directly to BeagleBone pin gpio. This is
intended for operation with the Pepper stepper driver board only.
JP4 - (default state: open)
When closed, 5 Volt power is connected to J5 pin #2. This is intended for operation
with the Pepper stepper driver board only.
version 1.4.9 (09/04/14)
page 35
Illustration 13 - Solder jumpers on bottom side of board