Preflight Checks
Center of Gravity
: Check CG is set properly.
: The engine should run smoothly at all
throttle settings with smooth transition from
idle to full throttle without stalling or hesita-
tion. Do not fly an unreliable engine. Read
engine instructions including break in and tun-
ing completely.
Prop balancing:
Ensure prop is properly balanced
prior to mounting on engine.
Flight Controls:
Ensure all flight controls are
free from binding and are centered. Check
that all hinges are tight and will not pull out.
Control linkages must be rigid and tight and
have no slop. Confirm proper direction of ai-
lerons, rudder, and elevator. Experienced fly-
ers have lost airplanes due to reversed ailer-
ons. Right roll is right up, left down. Left roll
is left up, right down.
: Transmitter, ignition and receiver bat-
teries are fully charged.
: Check all engine bolts, wing bolts,
hatch bolts, servo screws, control horn bolts,
wheel collars, and clevis keepers are tight and
Check all covering and seams are
sealed and secure.
: Check trims set to neutral and controls
centered. Check rate and condition switches
set properly. Check the receiver antenna is
fully extended and not reversed on it self.
Range check
: Do a range check with and without
the engine running in accordance with the ra-
dio manufacturer instructions. If there is in-
sufficient range or a large reduction with the
engine running, do not fly until it is resolved!
: Fill the fuel tank before each flight.
The ProX260 ARF-QB is capable of any aerobatic
maneuver. After you gain some confidence and
little experience flying the airplane you can cut
loose and perform any maneuver you can think of.
Here is a list of some of the more popular aerobatic
and 3D maneuvers you can try:
Loops and rolls
Knife edge flight
Stall turns
Snap rolls
2, 4, and 8 point rolls
Slow rolls
Spins upright and inverted
Flat Spins upright and inverted
Harriers upright and inverted
Water falls
Torque Rolls
Rolling circles
The sky and your imagination are you only limits.