Fruiting plants may produce so much fruit that you may find
the plants are starting to tip over or even break. If this occurs,
support your plants and bring them back to the upright position
by securing each plant to the Lamp Arm with a tie.
Do not use ties that will dig into (and damage) the stem, such as string
or wire. Also avoid materials that stretch, such as stretch ties sold in
gardening shops, as these are not strong enough to support heavily
laden branches.
Suggested Materials to Use for Supporting Fruiting Plants
There are a variety of materials
you can use to support plants,
all of which are easy to find at a
local hardware store or even in
your own home. Some options
are shown at right.
Ribbon (at least 1/4 inch wide), velcro
plant ties, or old stockings will all work
for securing your plants.
(Continued on next page)
Supporting Plants