Transplanting Seedlings
The supplies included in the Master Gardener Deluxe Kit
are designed primarily for growing an indoor garden in the
AeroGarden. You can however, start seedlings to transplant
to an outdoor garden. Below is a quick description of how to
transplant seedlings.
Transplant seedlings to the out-
doors when the plants are about 4
inches tall and have at least 3 sets
of true leaves. Plants should only
be transplanted when the weather
outside is favorable (
a problem
you will never have if you grow
indoors using your AeroGarden!
If the weather is too cold, the
ground temperatures will not promote new root growth and the tender
top growth of the seedling could be damaged by frosty nighttime
temperatures. If it is too hot, the seedling will be stressed and may die
even with the best shading precautions and continuous watering for
consistent moisture levels. Your seed packets should have guidelines on
when to transplant.
(Continued on next page)