aerauliqa QR590E Installation Manual Download Page 12


Gép tájolás

 menüpont: kiválaszthatja a készülék tájolását, vagyis a kívülről vagy kívülre vezető 

csőcsatlakozások irányát (BAL vagy JOBB - 3.3. bekezdés).

A bevitelhez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

Használja a ▲ vagy ▼ gombokat.

A beállításhoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A gyári beállítás (ALAPÉRTELMEzETT) a LEFT (BAL).

Megkerülés beállítás

 menüpont: beállíthatja a megkerülés (Bypass) működési paramétereit.

A bevitelhez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A “Desired Temperature” (Kívánt hőmérséklet), a „Tmax Free Heating” (Tmax szabad fűtés) és a 

„Tmin Free Cooling” (Tmin szabad hűtés) kiválasztásához használja a ▲vagy ▼ gombot. 

A részletes ismertetést lásd a “Megkerülés mód” szakaszban a 7.3. fejezetben.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.
Beállítási tartomány:

Desired temperature (Kívánt kőmérséklet): 15°C - 30°C

Tmax Free Heating (Tmax Szabad fűtés): 25°C - 30°C

Tmin Free Cooling (Szabad hűtés): 15°C - 20°C

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal növelheti vagy csökkentheti a hőmérsékletet.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.

Az előző menübe való visszalépéshez nyomja meg az ESC gombot.
A gyári beállítások (ALAPÉRTELMEzETT): 

Desired temperature (Kívánt kőmérséklet): 23°C 

Tmax Free Heating (Tmax szabad fűtés): 28°C 

Tmin Free Cooling (Tmin szabad hűtés): 18°C


 csak abban az esetben válassza ki, ha rendelkezésre áll külső fűtőegység (nem tartozék). 

A belépéshez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal választhat az NO (NEM) / PRE (ELŐ) / POST (uTÓ) opció közül.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A gyári beállítás (ALAPÉRTELMEzET) a NO (NEM).
NO (NEM): a FŰTÉS kimenet (5.g. ábra) soha nincs bekapcsolva.

PRE (ELŐ): a fűtőelem a „Beszívott levegő felőli oldalra” került felszerelésre (7.a. ábra - 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4




A FŰTÉS kimenet (5.g. ábra) be van kapcsolva és a 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4



 fűtés ikon  megjelenik az LCD kijelzőn, ha 


POST (uTÓ): a fűtőelem a „Bevezetett levegő felőli oldalra” került felszerelésre (7.a. ábra - 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4




A FŰTÉS kimenet (5.g. ábra) be van kapcsolva és a 


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free Cooling

It allows to set the Bypass/Free Cooling operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Free Cooling”, paragraph 7.3.
Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 


 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.
It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.f) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Bypass
4 Bypass settings
5 Free cooling

To be selected only in case Bypass is set on NO.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

Press OK to select.
The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

This function is enabled only if FREE COOLING is set on YES. When it is operating, the icon            



displayed on LCD.
This function mitigates heat exchange when the combination of internal and external temperatures are such 
that the heat exchange is not recommendable.
For temperature settings see previous point 4



 fűtés ikon megjelenik az LCD kijelzőn, ha 


Fűtés küszöb

: az opció csak akkor jelenik meg, ha a Heating (Fűtés) a PRE (ELŐ) vagy POST 

(uTÓ) opcióra van állítva. Beállíthatja a fűtési küszöbértéket az PRE (ELŐ) és POST (uTÓ) opciók 

esetén.  A belépéshez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal állíthatja be a hőmérsékletet.

A kiválasztáshoz nyomja meg az OK gombot.
A tartományok beállítása:

PRE (ELŐ): -20°C – 0°C 

POST (uTÓ): +15°C - +25°C
A gyári beállítás (ALAPÉRTELMEzETT):

PRE (ELŐ): -10°C

POST (uTÓ): +20°C


: csak abban az esetben válassza ki, ha rendelkezésre áll egy külső páramente-

sítő (nem tartozék). A belépéshez nyomja meg az OK gombot.

A ▲ vagy ▼ gombokkal választhat az NO (NEM) és YES (IGEN) opció között.

A gyári beállítás (ALAPÉRTELMEzETT) a NEM.

A DH relé kimenete bekapcsol, amikor a HY bemenetre jel érkezik (5.g. ábra) és a kijelzőn meg-

jelent a 


To be selected only in case an external dehumidifier (not supplied) is present.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

The DH relay output is activated when the HY input is activated (Fig.5.f) and the icon


      is displayed. 

Note: in case dehumidifier is installed, the BST input (Fig.5.f) is used as alarm output.

It allows to adjust the various speeds.
Press OK to enter.


 to choose speed 1, speed 2, speed 3 or Holiday.

Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
speed 1: 10% ÷ 80% 
speed 2: 20% ÷ 90% 
speed 3: 60% ÷ 100% 
Holiday: 10% ÷ 40%


 to increase or decrease the speed percentage.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
speed 1: 40%
speed 2: 70%
speed 3: 100%
Holiday: 20%

Installer menu

11 F7 filter

12 Filter Alarm interval
13 Working Hours Counter
14 Save settings
15 Load settings

To be selected only in case an F7 filter is installed at the supply air side (Fig.7.a)
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Not installed” or “Installed”.

Press OK to select.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is “Not Installed”. 

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

Installer menu

6 Heating
7 Heating Threshold

8 Dehumidification

9 Speed Setting

10 Airflow Balancing

It allows to adjust the balancing of the two airflows.
Press OK to enter.
“Supply airflow” is highlighted.
Press OK to enter.
The setting range is: -20% ÷ +20% 


 to adjust supply airflow against extract airflow 

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) is 0%

It allows to set the Filter Alarm period: the system has a timer which activates the “Filter” warning on the 
LCD at regular intervals.
Press OK to enter. 


 to choose among 2-3-6 months or OFF.

Press OK to select. 

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is 3 months if F7 filter is “Installed” or 6 months if F7 filter is “Not installed”

Installer menu

11 F7 filter

12 Filter Alarm interval
13 Working Hours Counter
14 Save settings
15 Load settings


Megjegyzés! Abban az esetben, ha páramentesítő van telepítve, a BST bemenet (5.g. ábra) a ri-

asztás kimenetként szolgál.


Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Machine orientation
4 Bypass settings
5 Heating

It allows to select the orientation of the duct connections from and to outside (LEFT or RIGHT - paragraph 

Press OK to enter. 


 to choose.

Press OK for setting. 

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is LEFT.

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Machine orientation
4 Bypass settings
5 Heating

It allows to set the Bypass operation parameters
Press OK to enter.


 to choose “Desired Temperature”, “Tmax Free Heating”, “Tmin Free Cooling”

For definitions see “Bypass” (paragraph 7.3)

Press OK to select.

The setting ranges are:
Desired Temperature: 15°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 25°C ÷ 30°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 15°C ÷ 20°C 



 to increase or decrease the temperature.

Press OK to select.
Press ESC to go back to the previous menu.

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are:
Desired Temperature: 23°C 
Tmax Free Heating: 28°C 
Tmin Free Cooling: 18°C 

Installer menu

1 Language
2 Date/Time
3 Machine orientation
4 Bypass settings
5 Heating

To be selected only in case an external heating element (not supplied) is present.

Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO/PRE/POST.

Press OK to select.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

NO: HEAT output (Fig. 5.g) is never activated 
PRE: the heating element is intalled at “intake air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.g) is activated and heating icon        displays on LCD when 
POST: the heating element is intalled at “supply air side” (Fig.7.a -       ).
HEAT output (Fig. 5.g) is activated and heating icon  


   displays on LCD when


Installer menu

6 Heating Threshold

7 Dehumidification

8 Speed Setting

9 Airflow Balancing
10 F7 filter

This option displays only if “Heating” is set on PRE or POST.

It allows to set the heating threshold in case of PRE or POST heating.
Press OK to enter.


 to set the temperature.

Press OK to select.

Setting ranges:
PRE: -20°C ÷ 0°C
POST: +15°C ÷ +25°C

The factory settings (DEFAULT) are: 

Installer menu

6 Heating Threshold

7 Dehumidification

8 Speed Setting

9 Airflow Balancing
10 F7 filter

To be selected only in case an external dehumidifier (not supplied) is present.

Press OK to enter.


 to choose NO or YES.

The factory setting (DEFAULT) is NO.

The DH relay output is activated when the HY input is activated (Fig.5.g) and the icon


      is displayed. 

Note: in case dehumidifier is installed, the BST input (Fig.5.g) is used as alarm output.



Summary of Contents for QR590E

Page 1: ...duct information 2 3 1 General 2 3 2 Dimensions and Weight 3 3 3 Connections 3 3 4 Space required 3 3 5 Rating Label 4 4 Transport and Storage 4 5 Installation 4 5 1 Unpacking 4 5 2 Where how to insta...

Page 2: ...seknek megfelel en t lfesz lts g eset n a III v delmi kateg ri nak megfelel en teljesen megszak tja az ramk rt az rintkez k legal bb 3 mm t vols g ban nyitnak sz t HASZN LAT Ne haszn lja az eszk zt a...

Page 3: ...ll t s a BAL 3 a bra Csatlakoz sok a BAL oldalon K v lr l besz vott leveg K v lre kibocs tott leveg Befel bevezetett leveg Bel lr l elsz vott leveg 155 148 778 861 799 62 144 490 144 180 247 123 279...

Page 4: ...jezetben tal lhat speci lis figyelmeztet seket s vint zked seket figyelmesen olvassa el rtse meg s alkalmazza azokat Ebben a fejezetben bemutatjuk hogyan kell az egys get helyesen telep teni Az egys g...

Page 5: ...e Connect the unit electrically according to point 5 4 Check that it starts up correctly 150 160 150 160 5 c bra 5 Fig 5 a b Fig 5 c Fig 5 d Fig 5 e Livella a bolla d aria 3 Installation he unit must...

Page 6: ...Vac 5A Boost momentary switch BST IAQ input Air Quality i e SEN CO2 HY input i e SEN HY CTRL DSP Inputs commands N 1 AC supply connector N 3 on off inputs volt free contacts two for ambient sensors na...

Page 7: ...Intake curve according to Regulation 1253 2014 ErP Product tested without filter F7 Airflow m3 h 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Curva di efficienza...

Page 8: ...1 43 31 70 44 Table 6 b Sound level Preliminary data dBA figures are average spherical free field for comparitive use only Speed 40 Lw dB SOUND POWER OCTAVE BAND Lp dB A 63 125 250 500 1 K 2 K 4 K 8K...

Page 9: ...ter Alarm ESC key to exit and go back to the previous menu OK key to enter the selected menu to go DOWN with the menu selection to go UP with the menu selection to power off the ventilation unit shows...

Page 10: ...User menu 1 Mode Selection 2 Boost 3 Boost Duration 4 Reset FILTER Alarm 5 Night Mode 6 Installer menu It allows to reset the filter alarm after maintenance replacement It can be selected only if the...

Page 11: ...go back to the previous menu Enter installer menu 7 2 Installer Menu on CTRL DSP The Installer menu can be selected either by selecting point 6 in the User menu or by holding OK ESC for about 7 secon...

Page 12: ...n external heating element not supplied is present Press OK to enter Use or to choose NO PRE POST Press OK to select The factory setting DEFAULT is NO NO HEAT output Fig 5 f is never activated PRE the...

Page 13: ...y hova menti a be ll t sokat Ak r 8 k l nb z be ll t st is elmenthet A kiv laszt shoz nyomja meg az OK gombot A meger s t shez nyomja meg az OK gombot Az el z men be val visszal p shez nyomja meg az E...

Page 14: ...DSP is absent or faulty the unit works in 3V condition ANTI FROST Intake Fan speed is reduced during very cold weather in order to prevent ice inside the unit which could damage the heat exchan In th...

Page 15: enthalpic heat exchanger suitable to transfer thermal energy and humidity from one airflow to the other The heat exchanger is removable for cleaning and maintenance during service Thermistors Temp...

Page 16: ...yed on LCD Their maintenance may differ per situation depending on the internal and external environmental conditions Press FILTER button Fig 7 b to reset the Filter Alarm Filters must be replaced eve...

Page 17: ...rom dust a vacuum cleaner following the following illustrations fig 8 f g h i when the FILTER signal is displayed on LCD Their maintenance may pending on the internal and external environmental condit...

Page 18: ...l alaptartoz k a ventil tor sebess g nek be ll t s t 2 Ellen rizze a sz r ket Cser lni kell a sz r ket 3 Ellen rizze a diff zorokat jra kell ll tani vagy tiszt tani kell a r csokat vagy a diff zorokat...

Page 19: helyi ig ny szerinti szab lyoz s k zponti ig ny szerinti szab lyoz s k zi vez rl s nincs DCV o1 Maxim lis bels elsziv rg s 0 8 o2 Maxim lis k ls elsziv rg s 0 5 p1 Bels kevered si ar ny nem el rhet...

Page 20: AERAULIQA SRL reserves the right to modify make improvements to products and or this instruction manual at any time and without prior notice Aerauliqa fenntartja a jogot hogy k l n rtes t s n lk l...

Page 21: ...on 2 3 1 General 2 3 2 Dimensions and Weight 3 3 3 Connections 3 3 4 Space required 4 3 5 Rating label 4 4 Transport and Storage 4 5 Installation 4 5 1 Unpacking 4 5 2 Where how to install 4 5 3 Insta...

Page 22: ...ater than 3mm USE The device should not be used for applications other than those specified in this manual The device is not intended for use by persons including children with reduced physical sensor...

Page 23: ...3 279 220 549 279 155 148 799 861 62 549 123 3 2 Dimensions mm and Weight 3 3 Connections Fig 3 a Connections in LEFT orientation Intake air from outside Exhaust air to outside Supply air to inside Ex...

Page 24: ...must be installed according to these instructions 5 1 Unpacking Verify that the unit and eventual accessories delivered is according to order before starting the installation Any discrepancies from t...

Page 25: ...s and regulations 5 b Use the wall fixing bracket as template to indicate where to drill the holes in the wall make sure it is at spirit level Use appropriate screws and wall plugs not supplied to fix...

Page 26: ...s SLAVE input 1 10V J2 jumper for SLAVE mode AC power supply Heat output max 250Vac 5A Dehumidifier output max 250Vac 5A Boost momentary switch BST IAQ input Air Quality i e SEN CO2 HY input i e SEN H...

Page 27: ...duct tested without filter F7 Airflow m3 h 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Curva di efficienza termica Curva di efficienza igrometrica The enthalpic h...

Page 28: ...lly read understood and applied Fig 7 a Temperature probes in LEFT orientation Intake air from outside Exhaust air to outside Supply air to inside Extract air from inside A B D C In case of RIGHT orie...

Page 29: ...s if the bypass is active this symbol shows that ANTI FROST is active this symbol shows that the IAQ input is activated i e CO2 this symbol shows that the HY input is activated this symbol shows that...

Page 30: ...terrupted Press ESC or wait for about 60 sec to go back to the operation screen OFF is displayed User menu 1 Mode Selection 2 Boost 3 Boost Duration 4 Reset FILTER Alarm 5 Night Mode 6 Installer menu...

Page 31: ...ds To exit the installer menu press ESC or wait for about 60 seconds It allows to select the language among English Italiano Nederlands Fran ais Deutsch Espanol Press OK to enter Language is flashing...

Page 32: ...or to choose NO PRE POST Press OK to select The factory setting DEFAULT is NO NO HEAT output Fig 5 g is never activated PRE the heating element is intalled at intake air side Fig 7 a HEAT output Fig...

Page 33: ...idification 8 Speed Setting 9 Airflow Balancing 10 F7 filter Installer menu 11 Filter Alarm interval 12 Working Hours Counter 13 Save settings 14 Load settings 15 Restore Default Settings It allows to...

Page 34: ...QR590E is equipped with a physical bypass which allows to mitigate the heat exchange when the indoor and outdoor temperature combinations are such that the heat exchange is not recommended In this ca...

Page 35: ...s Fans The fans have external rotor motors of EC type which can be steplessly controlled individually between 10 100 The motor bearings are life time lubricated and maintenance free It is possible to...

Page 36: ...d e when the FILTER signal is displayed on LCD Their maintenance may differ per situation depending on the internal and external environmental conditions Press FILTER button Fig 7 b to reset the Filte...

Page 37: may differ per situation depending on internal and external environmental conditions and on frequency of filter cleaning fig 8 f j k Clean the fans every year with a vacuum cleaner This may differ...

Page 38: ...k fans and heat exchange block Cleaning required 5 Check if air intake and exhaust have been clogged 6 Check ducting system for damage and or dirt accumulation 7 Check if Anti frost icon is displayed...

Page 39: ...Control typology Local demand control Central demand control Manual control no DCV o1 Maximum internal leakage rate 0 8 o2 Maximum external leakage rate 0 5 p1 Internal mixing rate N A p2 External mi...

Page 40: ...le Registeredoffice viaCorsica10 25125Brescia C F e P IVA VAT 03369930981 REA BS 528635 Tel 39 030 674681 Fax 39 030 6872149 www aerauliqa it info aerauliqa it Aerauliqa srl reserves the right to modi...
