Az „Óvintézkedések” című 2. fejezetben található speciális figyelmeztetéseket és óvintézkedéseket olvassa el, alkalmazza azokat!
A készülék egy darab kartondobozban érkezik.
A készüléket úgy kell tárolni és szállítani, hogy védett legyen mindazon fizikai behatásoktól, melyek károsíthatják a csapokat, a burkolatot
stb. Úgy kell letakarni, hogy a por, az eső vagy a hó ne mehessen bele és ne tehessen kárt az egységben vagy annak elemeiben.
Az „Óvintézkedések” című 2. fejezetben található speciális figyelmeztetéseket és óvintézkedéseket figyelmesen olvassa el, értse meg
és alkalmazza azokat!
Ebben a fejezetben bemutatjuk, hogyan kell az egységet helyesen telepíteni.
Az egységet a jelen utasítások alapján kell telepíteni.
5.1 Kicsomagolás
A telepítés megkezdése előtt ellenőrizze, hogy a kiszállított berendezés (és az esetleges kiegészítők) megegyeznek-e a rendeléssel. A
megrendelt berendezéstől való bármiféle eltérést jelenteni kell a viszonteladó felé.
5.2 Hová/hogyan telepítse
Minden QR készüléket fűtött beltérbe történő telepítésre szántak.
A berendezést mindig vízszintesen kell felszerelni.
Sík felületre szerelje a berendezést (mennyezetre).
Nagyon fontos, hogy a készüléket működés előtt teljesen vízszintezze ki.
Lehetőleg külön szobában helyezze el a készüléket (például raktár, mosókonyha vagy hasonló).
A helyszín kiválasztásánál ne feledkezzen meg arról, hogy a készüléket rendszeresen karban kell tartani és a betekintő nyílásnak köny-
nyen elérhetőnek kell lennie.
Hagyjon szabad helyet az eltávolítható panel kinyitásához vagy a fő alkatrészek eltávolításához (lásd 3.4. fejezetet).
A külső levegő rácsokat, amennyiben lehetséges, az épület északi vagy keleti oldalán telepítse, minden egyéb kimeneti nyílástól, pél-
dául konyhai páraelszívó kimenettől vagy mosókonyha kimenettől távol.
5.3 Telepítés mennyezetre
A berendezést a következő pozícióban kell telepíteni.
4 traNsPort aND storagE
The appliance is delivered in one carton box.
The appliance should be stored and transported in such a way that it is protected against physical damage that can harm spigots, casing, display etc.
It should be covered so that dust, rain and snow cannot enter and damage the unit and its components.
5 INstallatIoN
This section describes how to install the unit correctly.
The unit must be installed according to these instructions.
5.1 Unpacking
Verify that the unit (and eventual accessories) delivered is according to order before starting the installation. Any discrepancies from the ordered equipment
must be reported to the supplier.
5.2 Where/how to install
All QR units are meant for indoor installation in a heated space.
The unit must always be mounted horizontally.
• Mount the unit on flat surface (ceiling).
It’s important that the unit is completely leveled before it is put into operation.
• Place the unit preferably in a separate room (e.g. storage, laundry room or similar).
When choosing the location it should be kept in mind that the unit requires maintenance regularly and that the inspection door should be easily accessible.
• Leave free space for opening the removable panel and for removal of the main components (see 3.4).
The outdoor air intake of the building should if possible be put in the northern or eastern side of the building and away from other exhaust outlets like
kitchen fan exhausts or laundry room outlets.
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Fig 5.a
Fig. 5.b
holes to be closed
5.3 Ceiling installation
The unit must be installed in the following position.
Fig. 5.c
H=min. 60mm
Fig. 5.d
Prepare the surface where the unit is to be mounted. Make sure that the surface is flat, leveled and that it supports the weight of the unit. Perform the
installation in accordance with local rules and regulations.
Use appropriate plugs and rods or screws (not supplied) to fix the unit to the ceiling. It is recommended to fit the unit with anti-vibration mounts (not supplied).
Assure that the unit is completely flat once mounted to the ceiling.
Connect the unit to the duct system. Make sure that all necessary accessories are used to create a functional ventilation solution.
Connect the unit electrically
according to point 5.5. Check that it starts up correctly.
4 traNsPort aND storagE
The appliance is delivered in one carton box.
The appliance should be stored and transported in such a way that it is protected against physical damage that can harm spigots, casing, display etc.
It should be covered so that dust, rain and snow cannot enter and damage the unit and its components.
5 INstallatIoN
This section describes how to install the unit correctly.
The unit must be installed according to these instructions.
5.1 Unpacking
Verify that the unit (and eventual accessories) delivered is according to order before starting the installation. Any discrepancies from the ordered equipment
must be reported to the supplier.
5.2 Where/how to install
All QR units are meant for indoor installation in a heated space.
The unit must always be mounted horizontally.
• Mount the unit on flat surface (ceiling).
It’s important that the unit is completely leveled before it is put into operation.
• Place the unit preferably in a separate room (e.g. storage, laundry room or similar).
When choosing the location it should be kept in mind that the unit requires maintenance regularly and that the inspection door should be easily accessible.
• Leave free space for opening the removable panel and for removal of the main components (see 3.4).
The outdoor air intake of the building should if possible be put in the northern or eastern side of the building and away from other exhaust outlets like
kitchen fan exhausts or laundry room outlets.
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Fig 5.a
Fig. 5.b
holes to be closed
5.3 Ceiling installation
The unit must be installed in the following position.
Fig. 5.c
H=min. 60mm
Fig. 5.d
Prepare the surface where the unit is to be mounted. Make sure that the surface is flat, leveled and that it supports the weight of the unit. Perform the
installation in accordance with local rules and regulations.
Use appropriate plugs and rods or screws (not supplied) to fix the unit to the ceiling. It is recommended to fit the unit with anti-vibration mounts (not supplied).
Assure that the unit is completely flat once mounted to the ceiling.
Connect the unit to the duct system. Make sure that all necessary accessories are used to create a functional ventilation solution.
Connect the unit electrically
according to point 5.5. Check that it starts up correctly.
5.a. ábra
5.b. ábra
4 traNsPort aND storagE
The appliance is delivered in one carton box.
The appliance should be stored and transported in such a way that it is protected against physical damage that can harm spigots, casing, display etc.
It should be covered so that dust, rain and snow cannot enter and damage the unit and its components.
5 INstallatIoN
This section describes how to install the unit correctly.
The unit must be installed according to these instructions.
5.1 Unpacking
Verify that the unit (and eventual accessories) delivered is according to order before starting the installation. Any discrepancies from the ordered equipment
must be reported to the supplier.
5.2 Where/how to install
All QR units are meant for indoor installation in a heated space.
The unit must always be mounted horizontally.
• Mount the unit on flat surface (ceiling).
It’s important that the unit is completely leveled before it is put into operation.
• Place the unit preferably in a separate room (e.g. storage, laundry room or similar).
When choosing the location it should be kept in mind that the unit requires maintenance regularly and that the inspection door should be easily accessible.
• Leave free space for opening the removable panel and for removal of the main components (see 3.4).
The outdoor air intake of the building should if possible be put in the northern or eastern side of the building and away from other exhaust outlets like
kitchen fan exhausts or laundry room outlets.
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Fig 5.a
Fig. 5.b
holes to be closed
5.3 Ceiling installation
The unit must be installed in the following position.
Fig. 5.c
H=min. 60mm
Fig. 5.d
Prepare the surface where the unit is to be mounted. Make sure that the surface is flat, leveled and that it supports the weight of the unit. Perform the
installation in accordance with local rules and regulations.
Use appropriate plugs and rods or screws (not supplied) to fix the unit to the ceiling. It is recommended to fit the unit with anti-vibration mounts (not supplied).
Assure that the unit is completely flat once mounted to the ceiling.
Connect the unit to the duct system. Make sure that all necessary accessories are used to create a functional ventilation solution.
Connect the unit electrically
according to point 5.5. Check that it starts up correctly.
4 traNsPort aND storagE
The appliance is delivered in one carton box.
The appliance should be stored and transported in such a way that it is protected against physical damage that can harm spigots, casing, display etc.
It should be covered so that dust, rain and snow cannot enter and damage the unit and its components.
5 INstallatIoN
This section describes how to install the unit correctly.
The unit must be installed according to these instructions.
5.1 Unpacking
Verify that the unit (and eventual accessories) delivered is according to order before starting the installation. Any discrepancies from the ordered equipment
must be reported to the supplier.
5.2 Where/how to install
All QR units are meant for indoor installation in a heated space.
The unit must always be mounted horizontally.
• Mount the unit on flat surface (ceiling).
It’s important that the unit is completely leveled before it is put into operation.
• Place the unit preferably in a separate room (e.g. storage, laundry room or similar).
When choosing the location it should be kept in mind that the unit requires maintenance regularly and that the inspection door should be easily accessible.
• Leave free space for opening the removable panel and for removal of the main components (see 3.4).
The outdoor air intake of the building should if possible be put in the northern or eastern side of the building and away from other exhaust outlets like
kitchen fan exhausts or laundry room outlets.
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Make sure that specific warnings and cautions in Chapter 2 “Precautions” are carefully read, understood and applied!
Fig 5.a
Fig. 5.b
holes to be closed
5.3 Ceiling installation
The unit must be installed in the following position.
Fig. 5.c
H=min. 60mm
Fig. 5.d
Prepare the surface where the unit is to be mounted. Make sure that the surface is flat, leveled and that it supports the weight of the unit. Perform the
installation in accordance with local rules and regulations.
Use appropriate plugs and rods or screws (not supplied) to fix the unit to the ceiling. It is recommended to fit the unit with anti-vibration mounts (not supplied).
Assure that the unit is completely flat once mounted to the ceiling.
Connect the unit to the duct system. Make sure that all necessary accessories are used to create a functional ventilation solution.
Connect the unit electrically
according to point 5.5. Check that it starts up correctly.
5.c. ábra
5.d. ábra
Készítse elő a felületet, ahová a berendezést szereli. Bizonyosodjon meg róla, hogy a felület sík, kiegyenlített legyen és megtartja
a berendezés tömegét. A telepítést a helyi szabályoknak és szabályozásoknak megfelelően végezze.
Megfelelő dübelekkel és csavarokkal (nem tartozék) rögzítse a készüléket a mennyezethez. Javasolt rezgésmentes, csillapítós tar-
tókkal rögzíteni a készüléket..
Bizonyosodjon meg róla, hogy a berendezés a mennyezeten tökéletesen vízszintben van.
Csatlakoztassa a berendezést a légcsatorna rendszerre. Bizonyosodjon meg róla, hogy minden kiegészítőt használ, amely egy mű-
ködőképes és hatékony szellőzési megoldás létrehozásához szükséges. A csatlakoztatást az 5.5 pontnak megfelelően végezze.
lezárandó lyukak
Summary of Contents for QR230E
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