2021. 05. 04.
Migrate your old hub to Smart Home Hub : Aeotec Help Desk
If you have either a SmartThings V2 or V3 hub, you can easily migrate all your devices using SmartThings migration
tool. This tool is not exposed publically, but you can contact SmartThings support to get your hub migrated over.
You'll need to make sure that you provide them with the Hub ID your SmartThings V2 or V3 hub, and the Hub ID of your
Aeotec Smart Home Hub.
You'll need to ensure you have both Hubs claimed/synced to your Samsung account for this work.
Get the Hub ID of your hubs.
1. Login to:
2. Click on "
My Hubs
3. Verify which hub is your SmartThings V2 or V3 hub and note down the Hub ID.
4. Verify which hub is your Aeotec Smart Home Hub and note down the Hub ID.
5. Now contact
to begin the process.
Let them know:
Which Hub ID you want to migrate the network from.
Which Hub ID you want to migrate the network to.
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