Simple Logger
Models L320 / L410 / L430
• The operator may set the scale by programming as few as two points, the
low end and the high end, or by entering as many points as necessary to
define the scale up to 17 points for the 4-20 mA logger and up to 11 points
for the DC voltage loggers. The points entered do not have to be linear but
should be an accurate representation of the relationship of the DC signal
to the scale points.
• To enter a scale value in any of the slots, click on the slot and type in a
number up to 5 characters. The minus sign and decimal point may be used
as valid characters (e.g. -25.4 would be a valid 5-character number).
• Once the scale is defined, click in the Unit box to program the
engineering units to be displayed on the graph. Up to 5 alphanumeric
characters may be typed in this box.
• Once you have entered the correct scale and unit data, click on OK to
proceed. The screen in Figure 6 will appear giving you the opportunity
to save the entered data for future use. Click on Yes to save the data
or No to bypass saving the data and use one time only.
• If you click Yes, a dialog box will open similar to Figure 7 where you can
type in the name (up to 8 characters) you wish to use for the file.
• Click on OK to save the file and plot the graph with the new scale and
unit data or click on Cancel to discard it and return to the scale and unit
programming screen.
Figure 6
Figure 7