Power Quality Analyzer Model 3945
6.5 Connecting the Model 3945 to your Computer
The Model 3945 is supplied with an optically isolated serial interface cable
required for connecting the instrument to the computer. This cable (Cat. #2140.18)
is equipped with a 9-pin connector on one end, and an optical connector on the
other end.
To connect the Model 3945 to your computer:
1. Connect the optical connector end of the cable to the serial port on the
side panel of the Model 3945 PowerPad™.
2. Connect the 9-pin connector end of the cable, to an available serial port
on your computer.
You are now ready to use the DataView
Program with the PowerPad™.
6.6 Starting
Once the serial connection between the computer and the Model 3945 has been
completed, start the DataView
To start DataView
1. Double-click on the DataView
icon on your desktop, or select it using the
Start menu and Programs selection from the pop-up menu that appears.
2. Select DataView
and click on DataView
Pro in the menu that opens.
After the program is loaded and the Title Screen appears, a Quick Start dialog box
will open as shown in Figure 6-1 on the next page.
Right-Clicking on any fi eld in a dialog box will
open a Help fi le with detailed descriptions and
instructions for that specifi c function.