Chapter 4 SVGA Setup 57
6. Select the desired pixel rate by scrolling the list using the up/
down arrow keys, followed by pressing <ENTER> twice.
7. The screen alignment test pattern will then be displayed.
The up/down arrow keys are used to adjust the vertical
positioning of the screen. The left/right arrow keys are
used for horizontal alignment of the screen. The Home/End
keys are used for horizontal screen sizing and the Page
Up/Down keys are used for vertical screen sizing. Once the
screen position and size is adjusted, press <ENTER>,
followed by the <ESC> keystroke.
8. To save the settings, type
and press <ENTER>. The
program will then modify the Config.sys file.
9. At this point press <ESC> and reboot the system to enable the
parameter changes.
Software drivers installation
After selecting Drivers from the Main Menu in Program Manag-
er, you will be presented with a list of possible drivers to install.
Select the driver(s) you wish to install. A version list will be given
for the given application. Choose the appropriate version for the
application. Once you have selected the driver, the installation
program will provide you with further instructions. For details on
installing each available driver, refer to the README.TEXT file
on the provide Utiltiy disk.
The following is a list of drivers supported by the PCA-6144V.
• AutoCAD
• Autoshade
• VersaCAD
• GEM Desktop
• Lotus
• MS Windows
• MS Word
• OS/2 Presentation Manager
• Symphony
• Ventura
• WordPerfect
• Quattro Pro
• VESA BIOS Extension (for VESA
standard SVGA drivers)