Manual/Auto: Toggle button to enter Automatic (paced rate) or Auxiliary Cycle mode.
3.7 Settings Menus
The Settings Menu is used to change settings to cause the bag to seal and index properly. Bag thickness,
length, width, and product characteristics affect these settings. Once set, the operator may save the bag
settings along with options settings and auxiliary settings for later recall. All settings will be entered
numerically on a keypad. See Fig. 3-4.
To adjust any of the following settings, touch the number below the text description. A number keypad
will be displayed. To change the setting, press the <CLR> (Clear Value) button, the press the number
(decimal point first, if less than 1) and then press <Enter>. To clear an incorrectly pressed value, press
the highlighted <CLR> button and retype the correct value. Pressing <Enter> will return you to the Bag
Setup Screen. After changing a setting, test cycle the bagger several times to ensure the setting produce
the desired results.
Fill Time: In the AUTO mode operation, the Fill Time setting adjust the time the operator has to load the
bag before the seal operation begins. In this “paced operation”, increasing the fill time decreases the
cycles per minute, allowing more time for filling.
In the MANL mode of operation, fill time starts when the guard switch, foot switch or <MC> button is
pressed. To start the cycle operation immediately without a delay, change the setting to 0.00.
Caution! To avoid personal injury, do not operate the
AUTO mode when funnels or guards are
removed. Funnels should not be removed unless a light curtain or palm buttons or other approved safety
device is installed. Guards should never be removed in an operation status.
Air Pulse: Displays, in seconds, the amount of time that a burst of air will last,
blowing the bag
open. Wider bags and heavier gauge bags require a longer burst of air to initially open the bag. Narrower
and thinner gauge bags require less air to initially open the bag. To adjust the value, press the <Air
Pulse> button from the Bag Setup Menu to display the number keypad. Press the numbers on the keypad
followed by the <Enter> button to return the Bag Setup Menu. Additionally, to increase the
air from the air pulse tubes, turn the Air Pulse valve counter-clockwise; turning the valve clockwise will
decrease the volume of air. The Valves to adjust the air pulse air volume and blower air volume are
located on the right lower side of the seal frame assembly.
Note: The volume of air set should be the minimum amount and duration required to consistently open
the bag.
Blow Off: To decrease the possibility of bags sticking to the PTFE Anti-Stick Sealing Sheet, a blow-off
tube is provided as a
standard feature. The blower tube is located in the center, immediately below the seal bar
3.7 Seal Settings Menus
Seal Time: Displays, in seconds, the time the pressure (rubber) bar will remain touching the surface of
the bag for proper sealing. Sometimes referred to as "dwell time", seal time is one of three critical
components to obtain a strong seal (other critical factors include seal temperature and seal pressure). A
typical value is .5 seconds for 2 or 3 mil films.
Seal Point: Displays in inches the seal point position measured from the top perforation.
The proper
positioning of the seal on the bag varies due to bag size and product characteristics. Wider bags
generally, require greater sealing area than do narrower bags. Additionally, bags packaged with
bulky products require greater sealing area than do bags packaged with thinner products. A
typical setting for a mid-size bag (5 x 7") would be .7" A typical setting for a large bag would be