3.3 Touch Screen Program
The Touch Screen Program is a "user-friendly" menu-driven setup and operation program. Popup
windows are incorporated for quick and easy setting adjustments. Each time a setting is changed, the
settings are saved so that if power is lost, the “job” will be recalled automatically without the need for
reprogramming. Moving around through the program, entering menu levels, and entering setup options
easily and quickly achieved by just one touch of the screen to set the options you choose. A general color
scheme has been used for consistency with operation:
Normal Operation
Stop functions, warning messages or off positions.
Information Pause
3.4 Introductory Screen
When the T-300 is turned on, an Introductory screen is displayed. See Fig. 3-1. The introductory screen
is a welcome screen and has a button to take you to the Main Menu. When powered up, the machine will
be in the Stop mode.
Press the Contact Info button to display the manufacturers information. See Fig. 3-2.
Press the Timers Button to set a timer to turn off the heater bar after machine is not running.
This conserves energy. And to set the temperature range of the machine. See Fig. 3-3
Press the Operation button to set the feed distance and Index speeds.
FeedDist: Feed distance setting allows you to ignore horizontal perforations which could cause
the bagger to stop at the wrong location. Since the perf sensor is "looking" for a perforation, a
second perforation could be detected. If the horizontal perforation is 1" from the bag
perforation, set this value to 2", for example. The default setting is 1".
An Index Delay timer is provided to allow the bag just sealed to drop before the next bag is
indexed. If the bag below does not move out of the way fast enough, the bag feeding out could hit it,
causing it not to open or feed properly. If the bag feeding contacts the bag below, increase the value of
this timer.
Press the Maintenance button to display the program version installed on the machine See Fig. 3-3.
Press the PLC I/O button to display input and output statuses.
Press the Main Menu button to access the normal operations of the See Fig. 3-2.
3.5 Main Menu
The Main Menu is initially accessed from the Introductory Screen, this screen allows the operator to go
to most other screen locations. See Fig. 3-2
On most screens, there are three toggle buttons and a MC (Manual Cycle) button.
Start / Stop: Toggle button controls operation mode; mode which enables the T-300/T-375 to cycle. The
machine cannot cycle if in the Stop mode.