AFD - Active Format Description
Active Format Description (AFD) contains aspect ratio and handling information utilized to
aid in picture presentation of downstream devices. This is used most often by down-
converters and set top boxes.
AFD carriage can be carried within a transport stream as a unique ANC PID (ancillary pid),
within the video elementary stream as SEI data (H264), or user data (MPEG2). The RD-60
does not support AFD via an ANC PID at this time.
The RD-60 AFD implementation preserves the native AFD code from the video elementary
stream and is inserted into the SDI ancillary data output. SDI line number for AFD carriage
is configurable via the VBI tab. The DID/SDID, AFD code, and aspect ratio flag can be seen
in the VBI Output table via the VBI tab.