4.3.4 UNIX configuration
Enhanced security preferences cannot be locked on UNIX systems.
To configure the settings:
1. Navigate to the .preferences file. For example:
• ~/.adobe/Acrobat/9.0/Preferences/reader_prefs
• ~/.adobe/Acrobat/8.0/Preferences/reader_prefs
2. Navigate to /TrustManager.
3. Add and set the keys in the file.
4. Save and exit.
For 8.x, only one key (
) controls behavior for both standalone and
browser modes. Do not set
Preferences: Enhanced security settings for UNIX
/EnhancedSecurityInBrowser [/
b false]
/EnhancedSecurityStandalone [/
b false]
4.4 Trust overrides
There are several ways to assign trust so that this feature works in a trusted context:
• Specifying trusted URLs via Trust Manager
• Trusting certificates for privileged network operations
• Server side management of cross domain access
• Users can trust documents on-the-fly when the PDF opens: When the Yellow Message Bar appears,
choose the
button and then trust the document
• Create a privileged location via the UI for the file, folder, or host.
• Create a privileged location via the registry/plist by placing a tID under each cab/dict at:
[HKCU\Software\Adobe\<product name>\<version>\TrustManager\(cTrustedSites or TrustedFolders)\cCrossdomain]
[HKCU\Software\Adobe\<product name>\<version>\TrustManager\(cTrustedSites or TrustedFolders)\cDataInjection]
[HKCU\Software\Adobe\<product name>\<version>\TrustManager\(cTrustedSites or TrustedFolders)\cExternalStream]
[HKCU\Software\Adobe\<product name>\<version>\TrustManager\(cTrustedSites or TrustedFolders)\cScriptInjection]
[HKCU\Software\Adobe\<product name>\<version>\TrustManager\(cTrustedSites or TrustedFolders)\cSilentPrint]
[HKCU\Software\Adobe\<product name>\<version>\TrustManager\(cTrustedSites or TrustedFolders)\cWeblink]
Section 4 Enhanced Security
Application Security Guide
Page 24
Section 4 Enhanced Security