– 33 –
Disarming And Silencing Alarms
Using the 1 OFF Key
The OFF key is used to disarm the system and to silence alarm and
section for information which will help you to distinguish between
FIRE and BURGLARY alarm sounds.
IMPORTANT: If you return and the main burglary sounder is on, DO
NOT enter the premises, but call the police from a nearby safe location. If
you return after an alarm has occurred and the main sounder has shut
itself off, the keypad will beep rapidly upon entering, indicating that an
alarm has occurred during your absence. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY and
CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe location.
To disarm the system and silence burglary or fire alarms:
1. Enter your security code and press
2. The Ready message will be displayed (if no alarms have occurred
while armed) and the keypad will beep once to confirm that the
system is disarmed.
Memory of Alarm
The keypad displays the zone number and type of alarm for any zone
that has an alarm condition. These messages will remain displayed
until cleared by a user. If an alarm has occurred, note the zone
number displayed on the keypad and repeat step 1 above to clear the
"Memory of Alarm" and restore the Ready message display. If the
Ready message will not display, go to the displayed zone and remedy
the fault (close windows, etc.). If the fault cannot be remedied, notify
the alarm agency.
If the system was armed when the alarm occurred, repeat step 1
twice: once to disarm the system, a second time to clear the display.