Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont’d)
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Authority Levels
Authority levels define the system functions a particular user can
perform. Depending on the authority assigned to you, there are
certain system functions you may be prohibited from performing. In
summary, there are six authority levels, each having certain system
restrictions as shown below.
Level 1 Master:
Can perform all system functions in assigned
partitions, and can add, delete or change
Manager and Operator level users. Master
codes are added by the Installer.
Level 2 Manager:
Can perform system functions in assigned
partitions, and can add, delete or change
Operator level users.
Level 3 Operator A:
Can perform system functions in assigned
partitions, but cannot add or delete other
Level 4 Operator B:
Same as Operator A, except Operator B
cannot bypass zones of protection.
Level 5 Operator C:
Can arm the system in assigned partitions,
but cannot disarm the system unless the
system was armed with this code. This code
is typically assigned to someone who has a
need to arm/disarm the system only at
certain times (such as a baby-sitter).
Level 6 Duress:
Can arm and disarm the system, but also
sends a silent panic alarm to the central
station, if that service is connected.
To view your authority level and system capabilities:
1. Enter your code +
2. The keypad will display the partition(s) that you are authorized to
operate, and your user number and authority level in each