ADCP-61-819 • Issue 1 • July 2000
Page 23
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Figure 21. Unit Properties Screen
Locate Tab
The Locate tab provides unit-specific COM port options.
COM Port
– Displays the COM port to which the unit is connected.
– Displays the results of
Find COM Port
, or
Find All Units
actions. In the
case of
, it shows the status byte(s) returned after a
Get Status
request is sent to the
unit. Other messages state the progress of the action.
– Verifies that the unit is attached to the selected COM port.
Find COM Port
– The program will attempt to contact the unit using all available COM
ports and will also determine the function type of the unit after finding the COM port.
Find All Units
– The program will search all available COM ports for new units by
forcing the
Discovery Scan
to take place.
Communication Errors
– Clicking the
Clear Errors
button clears a counter maintained
for each unit. When a unit does not respond to a request, even after several retries, this is
one communication error. This results in a warning
Event Log
entry and the port icon
turns yellow. If after several attempts the count increases to 10, the unit is presumed to
have failed and no further communication is attempted. The port icon turns red, and a
failure event is logged. This button clears the count. The operator should use it after
attempting to correct the communication problem.
Port Tab(s)
Port Tab
) contains information about a specific port within a particular unit.
– Displays the user-assigned name of the port.
: You may change the name of the unit at any time from this field by entering the
new name and clicking