Follow these instructions for the correct IR occluder positioning:
Hold the occluder in a vertical position and with the handle downwards.
Hold the occluder using the ipsilateral hand to the covered eye (i.e., hold the occluder with the right
hand if you need to cover the right eye, and vice versa).
Place the occluder in front of the eye, keeping the edge of the occluder in contact with the side of
the nose.
Do not press the occluder against the eye: eyelid movements shall be possible and comfortable.
Look into 2WIN-S keeping the occluder in the correct position. Pay attention to fit 2WIN-S
ambient light must not enter the device during the exam.
CR Exam Results
In the CR Measurement Result window, three pairs of pupil images are displayed. The images represent from
top to bottom (see point 7 of previous section):
Both eyes free (not covered).
Right eye free, Left eye covered.
Right eye covered, Left eye free.
The covered eye is highlighted by a grey square.
From the pupils
images it is possible to identify the position of the corneal reflexes with respect to the
pupillary geometrical center.
When the position of the corneal reflexes, comparing the binocular test with the monocular infrared cover
test of each eye, is not significantly changing (that is when the barycenter changes its position less than the
4DP threshold value) the output is