b) limit per transaction “PRESEL”
c) quantity left for the period “PREPER” until it reaches “0”. If it reaches “0” no transaction
will be possible unless the MASTER resets the totals(
see paragraph “cancel total screen”
displays 04.2 digits, always on, permits to visualize totals for each authorized user and
eventual blocked users. At each time button is pressed, user TAG number is shown and
successively the total of transactions made during that period.
Once the system has been configured by the MASTER, each user has his own user
TAG. To refuel, do as follows:
1.Approach the user TAG
TAG symbol on the flow meter, the device
recognizes if this is an authorized user and its limits on refuelling quantities set by the MA-
STER, showing to the user the following information:
a) user TAG number
AF 3000 - AF 3000 TAG