The weight and dimensions of the group allow an easy hand transport. Check that the packa-
ging is in a good state and that the group has not been subjected to damages.
Any anomaly must be communicated within 10 days from the date of delivery.
For a correct unpacking follow carefully the following instructions:
1. Lay the box on the ground according to the indications drawn on the packaging.
2. Open carefully the box, extract the machine and lay it on the ground or on a sound surface.
3. After having checked that the machine and its accessories are whole, remove the two plugs,
which are inserted one on the electro-pump and the other on the litre counter.
4. Fix the panel at will, by laying it on the floor or on sound surfaces suitable to support
adequately the pump, protected from adverse weather conditions or in environments with
temperatures between -20 °C and +50 °C, sufficiently aired and lighted. For a better use, it is
recommended to anchor the group as close as possible at the level of the liquid to be pumped
(max. 2 m. height above the level of the liquid).
5. Screw the distribution pipe on the flange of the litre counter and on the NOZZLE.
6. We recommend to use the ADAM PUMPS suction pipe; alternatively, use exclusively a rub-
ber or plastic suction pipe resistant to diesel oil, of the spiral wound type, with 25 mm internal
diameter, corresponding to the filler suction.
The pipe must be sealed so that no diesel oil leaks out. In the event that it is decided to mount a
pipe longer than 4 metres, use of the filter base valve is recommended. The same instructions
are carried out for the delivery pipe, for which we recommend to use an Adam Pumps pipe. To
prevent unforeseeable risks, use exclusively the Adam Pumps distribution NOZZLEs.
the manufacturer is not liable for damages caused to persons, animals
and goods for use of hoisting systems other than those indicated.
AF 3000 - AF 3000 TAG