Acuity Brands | One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 | Phone: 800.535.2465 | www.nlightcontrols.com | © 2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. | All rights reserved. | Rev. 09/17/2020
Device detail screen.
Figure 32 - Input Devices List view
Details of an input device can be viewed and configured through the device detail screen, accessible by tapping on the
arrow button next to the device. From the device detail view, configuration of the device name, broadcasting poles, and
other device settings can be made.
Figure 33 - Switch Input Device with Photocell settings
On-screen configuration of output devices connected to the same lighting control zone is also available through
Technician Mode. Administrators can program devices to modify the device names and the channels they are tracking
broadcasting to. They also have access to trigger device curtsy directly from the Output Devices screen and in the
Output Device detail screen.
Figure 34 - Output Devices List View