Acuity Brands | One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 | Phone: 800.535.2465 | www.nlightcontrols.com | © 2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. | All rights reserved. | Rev. 09/17/2020
Schedule Configuration Dashboard
Light Control Dashboard
The Schedule Configuration Dashboard is the primary
screen for creation and configuration of schedules.
Through this screen, administrations can program Normal
as well as Holiday schedules
The Light Control Dashboard allows administrators the
ability control lights directly from this screen.
Manipulating the control elements from this screen will
impact devices all channels.
Home Dashboard
The Home Dashboard enables the ability to view the start and End Triggers of schedules configured to run in the
current date. Events that have already executed are in the section above the time placer, events to be run are located
under. As time passes and events are executed, they will transition from the bottom section to the top section.
Home Dashboard Screen
The Home Dashboard enables the ability to view the start and End
Triggers of schedules configured to run in the current date. Events that
have already executed are in the section above the time placer, events to
be run are located under. As time passes and events are executed, they
will transition from the bottom section to the top section.
Prior events section – Section designated to hold the list of
events that have already run today.
Upcoming events section – Section designated for events that
are still to run today.
Hamburger Menu – Activates the sidebar menu to expose more
configuration functions.
Calendar button – Directs users to the calendar view, where they
can preview events/schedules to be run in other dates.
Dashboard navigation bar – Enables transition between different