What isAmigoBot?
own robot-control software, since it neatly handles
the lowest-level details of client-server interactions,
including serial communications, command and
server-information packet processing, cycle timing,
and multithreading, as well as support of a variety
of accessories and controls, such as a scanning
laser-range finder, motion gyros, sonar, and many
Figure 4. ARIA's architecture
What’s more, ARIA with ArNetworking comes
complete with source code so that you may
examine the software and modify it for your own
sensors and applications.
Mapping, Localization, and Navigation
also provides a comprehensive suite of client tools and applications by
which you create, edit, and use maps and floorplans for advanced robotics
applications, including localization and navigation. For much more information about
Mapper3™, SONARNL™, ARNL™, the GUI client MobileEyes™, and our many commercial
ventures, visit http://
Figure 5. Use MobileEyes™ for advanced control of your robot over the network.