Change Motion Detection profile:
This will switch the profile of the
selected Motion Detection region from Runtime profile to Event profile. The
profile will return to runtime settings at the end of this event. You may
program one motion detection region to be disabled at runtime, but enable it
with event handler under some circumstances.
Change Day/Night Mode (Selected models only):
For some models,
you may force the Camera into Day or Night mode. The camera will return to
its previous setting(whether auto or forced day/ night) upon the end of the
Send URL command:
Select the URL command to include in the
response set. Two different commands will be sent at the time when the event
is triggered and untriggered.
Go to a preset point:
if the device is a PTZ camera, and the Go to
Preset point Event Configuration is setup, then you may include this in the
response section of the event rule. The camera will return to the position right
before the event starts when the event is untriggered.
Be sure to do Save and Reboot after you’ve updated the event settings.
Only then will the settings be commited to physical memory. You may lose
the settings to power loss or other situations if you do not do this step.
Manual Event
You may select one event in the Manual Event area below the event list to be
triggered via web UI.
Once selected, the trigger button on the video display screen will show as clickable.
Click to trigger the selected event. This is useful during event rule testing.