Upload Time :
IP device will provide video/snapshots for the number
of seconds here. It will stop uploading video/snapshot at the end of this
period. If you have video management software recording from this camera
at the same time, the normal recording through NVR will not be affected, and
goes on through out the event period and afterwards. But the special upload
session will end as the event ends.
Image Rate :
This is used only by snapshots. This tells the camera
how many snapshots it should attempt to capture during the Upload Time. If
this value is set to 0, then the IP device will attempt to capture as many
snapshots as possible. Depending upon the device loading, the number of
snapshots taken may not reach the number you specified.
Pre Buffer:
This is only used by video. If this is set to more than 0,
then the IP device will start to buffer video in its internal memory. The
maximum pre buffer is 3 seconds. When an event requires video upload, the
IP device will first upload the video taken right before the event then keep
uploading until it reaches the upload time.
File Name/ Upload Path:
You will need to specify rule for file names
and upload paths (upload path is not needed for Email. Just put a slash “/” in
the field). The rules contain flexible parameters. A sample rule and
corresponding filename will look like this:
Upload Path folders may also be named dynamically. For the IP device
to create folders on FTP and HTTP CGI servers properly, your FTP/CGI
account will need to have permission to create folders. For syntax on auto
naming, please see online help or the inset box at the end of this section.
The symbol “%” cannot be the first character in filename or upload
path. Please use either an alphabet or a number as the starting character. For
Upload Path, be sure to start and end eith a backslash“\”. An example will
be :