USER MANUAL 16-2000-120
Rev. 02/2016
Figure 12
. Coagulation level display, coagulation type and level adjustment buttons and monopolar electrode socket
In the monopolar coagulation mode, the unit is activated using the blue button in the electrode
handle or the blue or grey button of the footswitch.
It is possible to set the activation of monopolar coagulation by a two-button footswitch using button K11 – it is
signalled by a blue diode situated left of button K11.
Monopolar coagulation can also be activated using a single-button footswitch. In order to do so, set the
footswitch in the monopolar coagulation activation mode using button K11 – it is signalled by a blue diode
situated left of button K11.
Selection of the function activated by a footswitch: cutting / monopolar coagulation / bipolar coagulation (K11).
Bipolar coagulation is available at both sockets OUT1 and OUT2 after the appropriate bipolar instrument is
connected. Bipolar coagulation can only be activated using a footswitch.
Before the procedure is started the footswitch (single-button or two-button) must be assigned to the operation
in the bipolar coagulation mode. The activation of bipolar coagulation is assigned using the footswitch button
K11 - it is signalled by a blue diode situated right of button K11.
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