Installer’s Guide
Gain / Attenuation
– from -20 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB
(-9dB to +9dB is shown below
What a Parametric Equalizer
All the mixer’s EQ filters are
unfamiliar with them. We’ll begin
stereo systems and MP3 players. A typical one is pictured below:
You can adjust how this equalizer handles ten distinct frequency bands as labeled. When set
as shown here, this sort of equalizer might
63 Hz
32 Hz
125 Hz
20 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB steps
Equalizer Does
. This section introduces
unfamiliar with them. We’ll begin with the familiar
graphic equalizer
often found
and MP3 players. A typical one is pictured below:
You can adjust how this equalizer handles ten distinct frequency bands as labeled. When set
as shown here, this sort of equalizer might produce a frequency response curve
250 Hz
500 Hz
1 KHz
2 KHz
4 KHz
8 KH
parametric filters
for those
found in home
You can adjust how this equalizer handles ten distinct frequency bands as labeled. When set
curve like this:
8 KHz
16 KHz