Installation & Operation Manual
- Model AVT6000
Contents of this Manual are Subject to Change Without Notification
Page 28
Nonvolatile Flash memory has a limited number of Lifetime Write Cycles, therefore
the AVT6000 has an internal limit of 10,000 flash writes to protect the
microcontroller from damage.
In general, the standard AI, AV, BI, BV and MSI objects support required properties for those
object types. Object_Name is writable with provision for 64-character maximum length names.
BV, BI Inactive_Text and Active_Text, and MSI State_Text are writable.
Standard object property values other than Present_Value shall respond as follows:
Object_Identifier: generated automatically from request
Object_Type: generated automatically from request
Object_Name: writable
Polarity: always NORMAL
Units: Reference Table above, MSI1
State_Text, Inactive_Text, Active_Text: writable
Status_Flags: always {FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE}
Event_State: always NORMAL
Out_Of_Service: always FALSE
Objects; AI and AV shall support the COV_INCREMENT property which shall also be writable.
7.1.1 Save Active Configuration to Nonvolatile Flash Memory
The Accutrol AVT6000 Transmitter has both volatile (RAM) and nonvolatile (Flash) memory.
RAM memory does not have a limitation on the number of times it can be written, whereas
Flash memory does. RAM memory is used by the transmitter to store and retrieve active values
which are not retained when the power to the transmitter is lost. Values stored in Flash
memory are copied to RAM memory during the power up sequence of the transmitter.
Writing a value of one (1) to the BACnet Object BV1 will cause the transmitter to copy the
active configuration stored in volatile memory (RAM) into nonvolatile memory (Flash). Once
values have been saved to nonvolatile memory they will retain their value through power
cycles. Nonvolatile Flash memory has a limited lifetime number of write cycles which can be
monitored via the BACnet Object AI2.
7.2 Unsubscribed COV
The AV1 object Present_Value shall specify an interval in whole seconds at which the
transmitter shall periodically issue Unsubscribed COV Notifications as local segment broadcasts.
An AV1 value of zero shall disable this behavior. When non-zero, the Unsubscribed COV shall
also be issued if the Present_Value of any AI object changes by more than the COV_INCREMENT
for the corresponding object. If COV_INCREMENT is zero for a given object, it shall also disable
Unsubscribed COV for that object, even if AV1 is non-zero.
The AVT6000 Transmitter includes a USB port which provides local connectivity for
programing the Transmitter
using the PC based software tool “
Insight” described in
this document. For BACnet operation, the PC must be disconnected from the local USB port to
avoid conflicts.