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Since last connections
the time of operation on gas from the last connection
to a PC
the set time to inspection. Once the controller's time of operation on
gas exceeds the set time to inspection value, the controller, each time the
ignition is turned off, will inform the user about the need to inspect the
system with the sound signal. The method for setting the time to system’s
inspection has been described in the following section. A negative value
denotes the time, which has passed from the first indication of the need to
carry out the inspection.
To set the time to inspection, click on the
button in the window
Gas controller info
; the following window will be
Figure 2.1.9
“Service set” window
The desired time to inspection is calculated based on the selected mileage,
after which the inspection is to be carried out. A default conversion rate of
1h – 50 km is used with calculating the time to inspection value; yet, the value
of the conversion rate can be modified. In the above-mentioned window, an
inspection after 10,000 km [1 km = 0.62 mile] has been selected, which in this
particular case translates into 200 hours of operation.
Select “Inactive” in the selection field, in order to delete the inspection.
the above-mentioned option has been selected, the controller will not check
the time to inspection any more.
The section below the time of operation values in the window
Gas controller
includes the following events recorded by the controller:
First PC connection –
the date, on which the controller was connected to
a PC with the diagnostic software for the first time;
First change of settings –
the first modification of the controller’s
Last PC connection –
the date, on which the controller was connected to
a PC with the diagnostic software for the last time;