Live cast
Live cast
General information on live image
Live cast starts automatically once you have logged into
the web interface. The live image function provides the
option of displaying live images and executing camera
commands for all cameras connected to the recorder.
This is the core function of the recorder, in addition to
Double-clicking an image displays the selected camera
image in full screen or switches back to the original view.
Live image function areas
The live cast view is divided into the following function ar-
Using the menu bar
The following options are available:
Using the camera list
The camera list contains all cameras connected to the re-
corder. Double-clicking a camera name displays the cor-
responding camera in the live image.
Menu bar
Global display of the configuration
and control menus
Camera list
Select from the connected cam-
eras for live cast
Action bar
Control camera commands and
carry out actions for the selected
camera (red frame)
View bar
Configure multi-view and stream-
ing options
PTZ control
Control menu for PT(Z) cameras
Activates the live image view (live
Changes to playback view
Changes to snapshot view
Changes to system settings
Action bar
Menu bar
PTZ control
View bar
Camera list