background image

4 . Now fold the airbag three 
times towards the backpack 
ensuring that each fold is 
approx . a hand‘s breadth wide 
so that the airbag can easily 
unfold . 

5 . Now push the airbags in the 
designated compartments . The 
suction and release valve must 
be clearly visible on top of the  
airbag material . 

6 . Fasten the Velcro closures*  
of the airbag compartments 
tightly .

*  On some of the partner 

models you may need to 
close the zippers .

Step 12

Replace cartridge and activation handle

After every activation the cartridge and the activation handle 
must be replaced.

 Proceed according to step 1, 2 and 4, 5 .  

The ABS-System is then once again operational .

4.2 Before every tour or use

Follow steps 1– 6 of the Initial Operation


1 Checking cartridge weight


2 Attaching cartridge


3 Attaching straps and belts


4 Checking activation handle


5 Attaching activation handle


6 Velcro closure

4.3 At the end of the tour

Follow step 8 

Removing activation handle

 of the Initial Operation . 

The cartridge can remain attached .






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5. Handling during avalanche incident

5.1 Activation

Activate the ABS Avalanche Airbag without hesitation as soon as 
you become aware of an avalanche . It is better to activate once 
too often than not at all . 

In order to activate pull hard and fast on the activation handle 
and try to escape . The airbags are self inflating, independent of 
whether you are skiing, are falling, are lying on top of the airbag 
or are already captured by the moving snow . The inflated airbags 
will not compromise your possible escape or avoidance of rocks 
etc ., which you should always try to do .

5.2 Handling yourself during the avalanche

Once you have activated, only concentrate on your fall line . The 
way that the airbags are attached on the sides of the pack allows 
you to freely move your arms . Fight by swimming and pushing 
away obstacles . Try to steady yourself and protect your head .  
The shape of the airbags will help to protect your head without 
compromising your movements and ability to see . Try to twist 
out of your ski bindings . Never put your hands through the pole 
straps and never use safety straps with your bindings . If possible 
keep your mouth closed . 

When the avalanche is coming to a halt, try to keep your upper 
body and arms above the snow and free yourself from the  
avalanche as soon as possible .

5.3 After the avalanche

Find a safe place . Try to help other victims if possible . Only deflate 
the airbags when there is absolute certainty that there is no  
longer any danger of avalanches and attach another cartridge 
and activation handle immediately if possible . In case you are still 
in an avalanche prone area, leave the airbags inflated . 

5.4 International avalanche accident database

Please report any practical use of your ABS avalanche airbag . 
The findings of all examples of practical use across the globe are 
collected by the Österreichisches Kuratorium für Alpine Sicher-
heit (Austrian Alpine Safety Board) and are very important for 
research and development . You can find all the key information 
on our website (under 


) . Please fill out the online form in full and also send 

the information regarding your avalanche accident to your ABS 
Service Center when you send your backpack for inspection . 

6. How it works

With the ABS Avalanche Airbag you have purchased a device 
based on many years of experience in avalanche research, rescue 
and statistics . Led by the one outstanding fact, that a predo-
minant number of all avalanche victims (skiers and snowboar-
ders) are still alive when the avalanche comes to a halt . However, 
most of them are buried, are unable to free themselves and are 
often not visible to the rescuer . And this is where the race with 
death begins and is lost by those victims, who are totally buried 
and have blocked airways .



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Summary of Contents for GBA15


Page 2: ...ce an der Lawinenoberfl che zu bleiben deutlich erh ht und das Verletzungsrisiko reduziert BETTER STABILITY BETTER TWO THAN ONE FR Avec leur volume de plus de 170 litres les ABS TwinBags forment avec...

Page 3: ...3 Kundendienst 13 8 Ger tekomponenten 8 1 Airbags 13 8 2 F ll und Ablasseinheit 13 8 3 Anstecheinheit 13 8 4 Ausl segriff 14 8 5 Patrone 14 8 6 Tragesysteme 14 9 Lagerung und Reinigung 14 15 10 Transp...

Page 4: ...zu verhindern Es kann Situationen geben wo dies nicht oder nur eingeschr nkt m glich ist Das ABS System muss aktiv ausgel st werden Dies zu trainieren ist notwendig um im Ernstfall richtig zu reagier...

Page 5: ...r dem Einschrauben die Anstecheinheit innen auf Sauberkeit Die Anstechnadel muss in der Mitte sichtbar sein Volle Patrone dann bis zum Anschlag fest einschrauben Es darf keine Umdrehung mehr m glich s...

Page 6: ...t die Patrone an und die Airbags werden gef llt Die Funktionssicherheit der Druckkapsel ist zeitlich begrenzt Deshalb empfehlen wir unbenutzte geladene Ausl segriffe nicht l nger als drei Wintersaison...

Page 7: ...nen dringend eine Trainingsaus l sung durchzuf hren um die Funktionsweise des ABS Systems m glichst praxisnah auszuprobieren Bitte achten Sie darauf dass bei Trainingsausl sungen des Airbags ausreiche...

Page 8: ...Sie Hindernisse weg versuchen Sie sich zu stabilisieren und Ihren Kopf zu sch tzen Die Form der Airbags bietet zus tzlich Schutz f r Ihren Kopf ohne Sie in der Bewegung oder Sicht einzuschr nken Vers...

Page 9: ...e leere Ausl seeinheit f r eine prophylaktische berpr fung an Ihr zust ndiges Servicecenter einzusenden Deutsch 12 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Innenteil_RZ indd 12 25 03 14 12 59 Deutsch Bitte f llen Sie das...

Page 10: ...kappe Es wird empfohlen den Ausl sgriff nach jedem Einsatz abzunehmen Lagern Sie den ABS Lawinenairbag an einem trockenen vor Nagetieren sicheren Ort und au erhalb der Reichweite von Kindern Deutsch 1...

Page 11: ...taschen und blasen Hat das Gewicht der Patrone sich nicht vollst ndig auf mit dem F llgewicht berein gestimmt Wenn Sie beides mit Ja beantworten k nnen senden Sie den Airbag zur ber pr fung Sind Sie s...

Page 12: ...trieb Das ABS System ist Made in Germany 13 5 Servicecenter Die f r den ABS Kundendienst zust ndigen Firmen in den jeweiligen L ndern finden Sie auf unserer Internetseite unter www abs airbag com de k...

Page 13: only partially or not at all possible The ABS System has to be activated It is important to practice this in order to be able to react properly in case of emergency For your own safety you should...

Page 14: ...The piercing pin must be visible in the middle Screw in the full cartridge right up to the back stop and tight enough that there is no possibility of another turn Check that the cartridge is screwed...

Page 15: ...placed for a refill By pulling the attached activation handle the pressurized capsule explodes The resulting pressure punctures the cartridge and the airbags are filled The pressurized capsule functio...

Page 16: ...nd that you practice the triggering as part of your training so that the functional principle can be demonstrated as realistically as possible Please ensure that during the practice activation the dis...

Page 17: ...g and pushing away obstacles Try to steady yourself and protect your head The shape of the airbags will help to protect your head without compromising your movements and ability to see Try to twist ou...

Page 18: ...nd submit it to the sterreichisches Kuratorium f r Alpine Sicherheit Austrian Alpine Safety Board English 30 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Innenteil_RZ indd 30 25 03 14 12 59 You can find all the key informatio...

Page 19: the airbag It is recommen ded to remove the handle after each use The ABS Avalanche Airbag should be stored in a dry rodent free area and away from children Use only soapy water to clean the airbag...

Page 20: ...ible any more If the pressure drop is still clearly visible the system needs to be repaired Send the ABS System in for service 13 2 Warranty To extend your warranty of the ABS System from 2 years to 4...

Page 21: ...incident T V S d Product Service GmbH Daimlerstr 11 85748 Garching Pr fstellennummer 0123 Die ABS Peter Aschauer GmbH is a certified company according to ISO 9001 2000 standards The ABS System is Made...

Page 22: est n cessaire pour pouvoir r agir correctement en cas d urgence Fa tes donc pour votre propre s curit un d clenchement d exercice une fois par saison L ABS demande un entretien et un stockage soig...

Page 23: ...t de l ABS Fran ais 40 510 gr 09 10 510 g 08 2013 479 8 gr 08 12 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Innenteil_RZ indd 40 25 03 14 12 59 Etape 2 Visser la bouteille V rifiez que l unit de per age est propre et que l...

Page 24: ...dra alors l changer pour la faire recharger Suite une traction sur la poign e branch e au syst me la balle blanc explose Cela provoque une surpression dans le tuyau qui perce la bouteille de remplissa...

Page 25: ...alit il est fortement recommend de tester une fois le d clenchement de l ABS Vous pouvez ainsi vous familiariser avec le d clenchement du syst me ABS Afin d viter tout dommage veillez ce qu une distan...

Page 26: ...t des mouvements de natation repoussez tout obstacle essayez de vous stabiliser et de vous prot ger la t te La forme des airbags vous procure une protection suppl mentaire de la t te sans g ner votre...

Page 27: d g ts ne soient pas visibles Fran ais 48 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Innenteil_RZ indd 48 25 03 14 12 59 D s lors nous vous conseillons de renvoyer le sac et son unit de d clenchement votre service client...

Page 28: ...ids La bouteille non mont e sur le syst me doit toujours tre munie de son bouchon de s curit L ABS doit tre stock dans un endroit sec et l abri des rongeurs Veillez galement le tenir hors de port e de...

Page 29: ...Innenteil_RZ indd 52 25 03 14 12 59 53 Description du probl me D pannage Les airbags sortent Si vous n tes pas certain des difficilement des poches deux premiers points effectu et ne se gonflent pas e...

Page 30: ...rvice client le Les coordonn es des services client le respectifs pour chaque pays se trouvent sur le site internet www abs airbag com fr contact html Fran ais 54 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Innenteil_RZ indd...

Page 31: ...lo scia tore venga completamente sotterrato delle valanghe Si pos sono per presentare situazioni che non permettono o che permettono solo parzialmente questa funzione di salvataggio Il sistema ABS dev...

Page 32: ...2 Avvitate la cartuccia Prima dell avvitamento della cartuccia controllate che l unit d innesto perno sia internamente pulita Il perno deve essere visibile nella sua parte centrale Avvitate quindi fo...

Page 33: ...iglia pu essere utilizzata solo una volta e deve essere successivamente sostituita Tirando la maniglia di sgancio la capsula esplode La pressione che di conseguenza si forma fora la cartuccia e gonfia...

Page 34: ...stema ABS nel contesto pi prossimo alla realt Durante lo sgancio di prova dell airbag fate attenzione a che vi sia una distanza di sicurezza tra voi e altre persone od oggetti di ca 1 mt per non provo...

Page 35: montati lateral mente potete muovere liberamente le braccia Lottate facendo movimenti natatori spostate ostacoli cercate di stabilizzarvi e di proteggervi la testa La forma del cuscino d aria offre...

Page 36: ad occhio nudo Italiano 66 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Innenteil_RZ indd 66 25 03 14 12 59 Raccomandiamo pertanto di inviare al Vs Centro di assistenza lo zaino ABS e la cartuccia di sgancio vuota per un c...

Page 37: ...apparecchio Si consiglia anche di togliere la maniglia di sgancio dopo ogni impiego Conservate l airbag da valanga ABS in un luogo asciutto protetto da animali roditori e fuori dalla portata dei bambi...

Page 38: ...ll errore Gli airbags non si gonfiano Se avete risposto s ad appieno e si lasciano entrambe le domande asportare con difficolt dalle portate gli airbags al controllo tasche laterali Se vi sentite insi...

Page 39: ...te i severi controlli le valanghe possono creare forze e situazioni che supe rano tali valori standard Ci teniamo pertanto a precisare che il sistema airbag da valanga ABS come unit e nelle sue singol...

Page 40: ...abs airbag com WWW ABS AIRBAG COM 03 14 140325_ABS_GBA_2014_Umschlag_RZ indd 1 Headquarter ABS Peter Aschauer GmbH Stefanusstr 6a D 82166 Gr felfing Germany Tel 49 0 89 89 87 89 0 Fax 49 0 89 89 87 89...
