ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 / SAS 4000
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There are a number of error codes associated with the MPFC.EXE program, as listed below.
Errors are fatal and cause no database file to be created while warnings are non-fatal and a
database file will be created.
For example, if only an ORG-file has been created and no UP- and DWN-files a warning will
be issued. As it is fully legal to define only an ORG-file the compiler accepts this but warns
the user that he/she might have missed to supply the UP- and DWN-files.
Code Message
1000 Empty line in definition file for Electrode Layout Codes.
1031 Could not find a '.DWN' file corresponding to the current '.ORG'
1032 Could not find a '.UP' file corresponding to the current '.ORG' file.
1033 Could not find a ‘.MM’ file
1501 An electrode number refers to a relay address equal to zero. This is
only a warning.
2000 Missing Electrode Layout Code for keyword.
2001 Duplicate key found.
2003 Could not find a layout code corresponding to the keyword.
2101 Error in scanning geometry files ‘.XYZ’
3000 Could not open the protocol file (.ORG, .DWN or .UP)
3001 Could not find the '.ADR' file stated in the source file.
3002 Could not open the '.ADR' file stated in the source file.
3011 Syntax error in electrode mapping. Three numerical values are
required (the last is an expression X-Y).
3021 Electrode position is out of limits.
3022 Relay address is out of limits.
3023 Cable number is out of limits.
3024 Takeout number is out of limits.
3025 The whole or a part of this address has already been defined. All
addresses must be unique.
3026 This electrode position has already been defined. All positions must
be unique.
3027 An electrode number did not map to a valid relay address.
3101 Invalid number of parameters.
The possible error codes in MPFC program.