ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000 / SAS 4000
- 90 -
Example Address Files for CVES
The following file (LONG32.ADR) is used when four electrode cables are arranged on a line
and linked together to the Electrode Selector, used for roll-along in the direction of the cable
layout. Every second electrode take-out is active.
4 21
{number of electrode cables, number of take-outs per electrode cable}
2 10
{electrode spacing multiplication factor for long layout, total no of lengths of one cable}
{total number of active electrode take-outs}
1 22 1-1
{Col 1: electrode identification number, corresponding to numbers in protocol file}
2 23 1-3
{Col 2: internal relay address according to the above
table 8-1
3 24 1-5
{Col 3: physical position (cable no. - take-out no.) }
4 25 1-7
5 26 1-9
6 27 1-11
7 28 1-13
8 29 1-15
9 30 1-17
10 31 1-19
11 1 2-1
12 3 2-3
13 5 2-5
14 7 2-7
15 9 2-9
16 11 2-11
17 13 2-13
18 15 2-15
19 17 2-17
20 19 2-19
21 21 2-21
22 35 3-3
23 37 3-5
24 39 3-7
25 41 3-9
26 43 3-11
27 45 3-13
28 47 3-15
29 49 3-17
30 51 3-19
31 53 3-21
32 55 4-3
33 56 4-5
34 57 4-7
35 58 4-9
36 59 4-11
37 60 4-13
38 61 4-15
39 62 4-17
40 63 4-19
41 64 4-21
Next example shows an address file (SHORT32.ADR) used when two cables are arranged on
a line and connected to the Electrode Selector, used for roll-along in the direction of the cable
layout. Every electrode take-out is active, apart from one of the overlapping ones:
4 21
{number of electrode cables, number of take-outs per electrode cable}
1 20
{electrode spacing multiplication factor for long layout, total no of lengths of one cable}
1 1 2-1
2 2 2-2
3 3 2-3
4 4 2-4
5 5 2-5
6 6 2-6
7 7 2-7
8 8 2-8
9 9 2-9
10 10 2-10