Load Profile tool user interface
GUID-0722B23B-1B33-4107-B364-D7815DD78F47 V1 EN
Figure 64:
Load Profile tool interface
Table 4:
Available actions on the user interface
Local Path
Default local path (
) is the location from which the records
are shown on the Load Profile tool. It is also the default path for saving records.
The location where the records are saved can be changed in the Local Path field. The
grid of the Load Profile tool shows only the records in the default local path including
any unsaved records in
C:\Temp\Load\Profile Tool
. Therefore records can
be saved at a user-specified location on the local machine but those records are not
visible in the grid of the Load Profile tool.
Clicking Load downloads all available records from
directory in
the protection relay to a temporary folder
on the local
machine. In this temporary folder, the target file name is constant, and loading again
overwrites the file. An unsaved record is deleted when the tool is closed.
Clicking Save moves the records to the default or specified local path, Load transfers
the records to a temporary folder. Each load profile record comprises two files with
file extensions .dat and .cfg.
Clicking Save adds a time stamp to the file names and moves the two files pertaining
to the record to the default or specified folder. Saving another record creates a new
record in addition to the old ones.
Clicking Clear clears the record from either the Load Profile tool or protection relay or
both. Before deleting the records, a confirmation dialog box is shown.
Clicking Open opens any selected record to be viewed in Wavewin, provided that this
external software is installed. Additionally, any record row can be double-clicked to
view that record.
Table continues on next page
Section 5
1MRS759117 A
Protection and control engineering
Engineering Manual