Overfrequency protection SAPTOF
Main menu/Test/Function status/Frequency protection/
Displays available instances of SAPTOF with some measurements per instance
consisting of trip and start signal status. The start duration as percentage of the total
trip time and a blocking indication as a result of low voltage.
Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC
Main menu/Test/Function status/Frequency protection/
Displays available instances of SAPFRC with measurement data for trip and start
signals. There is also a restore signal for load restoring purposes, a start duration
time and a blocking indication caused by a drop in voltage.
Underfrequency protection SAPTUF
Main menu/Test/Function status/Frequency protection/
Displays available instances of SAPTUF with some measurements indicating status
of trip, start, restore signals and showing possible blocking due to low amplitude as
well as the start duration as a percentage of the total operation time.
Multipurpose protection
The data generated by the multipurpose function comprises various trip and start
signals, block of second harmonic detection, various measured current values and
the angle between current and voltage.
General current and voltage protection CVGAPC
Main menu/Test/Function status/Multipurpose protection/
Displays available instances of CVGAPC with a number of output quantities per
instance. These include error signals from overcurrent functions, trip and start
signals from overcurrent, undercurrent, overvoltage and undervoltage. There is a
block signal caused by second harmonic detection. The directional mode of OC1
and OC2 is shown as is low voltage for directional polarization. The current and
voltage as well as measured current multiplied by cos Phi and the angle between
voltage and current are also shown here.
1MRK 511 188-UEN C
Section 11
Test the IED
Operator's manual