Displays an application dependent number of instances of SMBRREC with a
number of measurements per instance that include data on the progress and state of
the reclosing function. There is data indicating whether the Ar is in a blocked state,
data indicating what kind of reclosing is in progress and data indicating the number
of reclosing shots. Auto reclosing status is also indicated by 1=ready, 2=In
progress, 3=Successful.
In the commands menu it is possible to view three sets of values. These are found
under the submenus menucascade/uicontrol.
Automation bits, command function for DNP3.0 AutomationBits
Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/Automation Bits/ABI
Displays the output data of the AutomationBits function.
Main menu/Test/Function Status/Control/Commands/IEC60870-5-103
Under this part of the HMI tree there are the following three submenus:
IED Commands
Function Commands
User Defined Commands
Various IED, function and user defined command data can be viewed here.
Single command SINGLECMD
Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/SingleCommand/CD
There are OUT signals under the Single command menu.
Selector switch SLGGIO
Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/SelectorSwitch(GGIO)/
An application dependent number of switches can be displayed here. The position
of each switch is indicated here. There are up to a number of possible switch
positions. The number of switches and switch positions is determined by the
configuration in the PCM configuration tool.
Selector mini switch VSGGIO
Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/VersatileSwitch/VS
Displays the output data of the VSGGIO function.
1MRK 511 188-UEN C
Section 11
Test the IED
Operator's manual