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Original operating manual for portable
operating unit with two-hand operation
with the name JSD-TD25P-xxxxxx and JSTD25P-1
Created on: 10/02/2022
Checked on: 11/02/2022
Released on: 11/02/2022
File location:
Doc. name: Version 1.0
2.6. Emergency stop button (optional)
The optional built-in emergency stop button is providing an emergency stop function for stopping
hazardous functions and removing power to them.
The emergency stop button has two forcibly guided normally closed contacts.
Note on safe actuation!
To allow for the emergency stop button to operate safely, we recommend to use and assembly our
holders, designed especially for this device.
Particular caution should be exercised in relation to devices that are connected, as standard, using a
Be aware of the following items:
The correct function of the emergency stop must be check monthly!
The emergency stop function must always be available and functional and should have priority
over all other functions and operations in all operating modes of the machine without affecting
any facilities which are designed to release trapped persons.
No start command (whether intentional, unintentional or unexpected) should be able to affect
working processes that were stopped by initiating the emergency stop function until the
emergency stop function has been reset manually.
If it is possible to remove emergency stop buttons (e.g., portable programming devices) or shut
down sections of a machine, it must be ensured that operational and non-operational
emergency stop buttons are not mixed up.