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Original operating manual for portable
operating unit with two-hand operation
with the name JSD-TD25P-xxxxxx and JSTD25P-1
Created on: 10/02/2022
Checked on: 11/02/2022
Released on: 11/02/2022
File location:
Doc. name: Version 1.0
This document must be read and understood by the user or the user
of the operating unit
Before use, please familiarize yourself with the operating unit described in this manual.
The control unit is a control unit / actuator combination which is generally used in safety circuits; it
should thus be handled only by personnel authorized and trained by the operator.
Despite the fact that efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
manual, ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions and reserves
the right to make changes without notice.
The given data guides the user during operation and offers no assurance in any way. Specified data
may refer to test results recorded by ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH or the specifications of used
standard components and must always be modified by the user to the actual application situation.