Introductory Safety Notes for the EMF System
Regulated Usage
The Electromagnetic Flowmeter [EMF] system, which consists of a flowmeter primary and a flowmeter
converter, is designed to the latest state of the art and is safe to operate. The EMF is to be installed
exclusively in the specified applications.
Every usage which exceeds the specified applications is considered to be non-specified. Any damages
resulting therefrom are not the responsibility of the manufacturer.
The user assumes all risk for such operation.
The application specifications include the installation, start up, and service requirements specified by the
Installation, Start Up, and Service Personnel
Please read this Instruction Bulletin for the flowmeter primary and converter and the safety notes before
attempting installation, start up, or service of the flowmeter system.
Only qualified personnel should have access to the instrument. The personnel should be familiar with the
warnings and operating requirements contained in this Instruction Bulletin.
Check that the connections are in accordance with the interconnection diagrams. Ground the flowmeter
Observe the warning notes indicated in this document by the symbol:
Hazardous Material Information
[Requirement of German Law, may be different for other countries]
In view of the Disposal Law of 27.08.86 (AbfG. 11 Special Wastes) the owner of special wastes is
responsible for its care and the employer also has, according to the Hazardous Material Law of 01.10.86
(GefStoffV, 17 General Protection Responsibility), a responsibility to protect his employees, we must make
note that:
a) All flowmeter primaries and/or flowmeter converters which are returned to ABB Automation Products for
repair are to be free of any hazardous materials (acids, bases, solutions, etc.)
b) The flowmeter primaries must be flushed so that the hazardous materials are neutralized. There are
cavities in the primaries between the metering spool and the housing. Therefore after metering
hazardous materials the cavities are to be neutralized (see Hazardous Material Law -GefStoffV). For two
piece housings the screws used to hold the sections together should be loosened in order to
remove the hazardous material and to neutralize the coil and electrode areas
c) For service and repairs written confirmation is required that the measures listed in a) and b) have been
carried out.
d) Any costs incurred to remove the hazardous materials during a repair will be billed to the owner of the