Electromagnetic Flowmeter COPA-XT
Parameter Entry
User Configurable Units
With this function it is possible to configure any desired engi-
neering units.The following three parameters are available for
this purpose:
a) Units Factor
b) Unit Name
c) Programmable Units with/without Density
Entries as described in a), b) and c) are only required if the
desired unit is not listed in the table. See on page 18.
Units Factor
Numeric Entries
In this parameter enter the factor which converts the new units
to liters. The default entry is for kgal units: kgal = 3785.41 liters.
Kga = Kilo gallons
Unit Name
Entry from table
The selection is made using the STEP and DATA keys. Use
DATA to scroll forward through the alphabet, first the lower case
letters are displayed, then the upper case. The entry
location can be shifted by pressing the STEP key. A max. of
4 characters can be entered.
The time units, /s, /min and /h can be assigned to the
engineering units.
Programmable Units
Entry from table
This function is utilized to define whether the new units are
gravimetric (with density) or volumetric (without density)
flowrate units.
Submenu Function Test
Numeric Entries only for I
The Function Test menu includes 13 functions to test the
instrument independent of the existing operating conditions.
When the Function Tests are active the converter is no
longer on-line (current and pulse output values do not
correspond to the present operating conditions). The individual
test routines can be selected using the STEP and DATA keys.
, RAM (internal), EPROM (Program), lower EEPROM,
upper EEPROM, external EEPROM, Terminals V8/V9, Display,
Pulse output 1 Hz, Simulation and Test Mode.
The function tests can be terminated by pressing the C/CE key.
select, press ENTER and enter the desired value in mA.
Measure the output value for agreement with the setting at the
+ and – connections with a digital voltmeter (mA range) or with
the process instrumentation.
Note: No automatic return to process measurements.
Terminate by pressing the C/CE key.
RAM (ASIC) select, press ENTER. The computer automatically
tests the RAM and displays its diagnosis.
EPROM (Program) select, press ENTER. The computer auto-
matically tests the EPROM and displays its diagnosis.
EEPROM select, press ENTER. The computer automatically
tests the EEPROM and displays its diagnosis.
Terminals V8/V9 select, press ENTER. The STEP or DATA
keys can be used to toggle the contact on or off. Use a test
meter to monitor the status at the terminals V8/V9.
Pulse Output select, press ENTER. A signal with a
frequency of 1 Hz is transmitted over the scaled pulse output
with a pulse width of 500 ms.
Display select, press ENTER. The converter writes the
numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F in the 1st and 2nd lines of
the display. The operation of the dot matrix control can be
visually checked.
**Simulation** select, press ENTER. The simulation can be
turned “on or off” using the STEP or DATA keys. If the
Simulation is turned on use C/CE to return to process
measurements. Any desired flowrate value can be entered
using the STEP (+) and DATA (-) keys in 1 % steps. The
output values correspond the entered values. The message
**Simulation** is displayed in the 2nd line for information
alternately with the integrated totalizer value. The parameter
**Simulation** should be turned off after the simulation routine
has been completed.
Test Mode When the converter is to be checked with a
, the parameter Test Mode must be switched to
"on". Note: No automatic return to process measurements.
Terminate using the C/CE key.
Simulator upon request
Units Factor
3785.41 Liter
Unit Name
kga /s /min /h
Prog. Units
without Density
Function Test