Table 7:
Firewall submenus
Contains general settings of using the firewall, using network
address translations and default actions for incoming, forwarded
and outgoing packets.
Filter incoming
Used to configure the incoming packets that arrive to ARM600 and
are not forwarded, that is, the packets are related to using the M2M
services like WHMI or the VPN tunnel creation.
The default action is “drop”, which means that only packets
matching the rules (white-listed) are accepted, others are dropped.
Filter forwarded
Used to configure the forwarded packets coming to ARM600 from
one interface and leaving from another.
The default action is “pass”, which allows packets to be forwarded
from interface to another.
As a default, there is one “drop” rule which drops packets that come
from eth0 (WAN interface) and leave from any interface. This
prohibits packets from the Internet from accessing any internal
Filter outgoing
Used to configure the outgoing packets leaving from ARM600 to
other network elements.
By default, all outgoing packets are allowed.
Used to adjust forwarding packets based on their destination
Usually the port forwarding is not needed in ARM600.
Used to adjust the source addresses of packets.
The S-NAT is needed, for example, when ARM600 is used as a
border router to Internet.
Custom rules
The custom rules are for the experienced user who has knowledge
of iptables configuration. When custom rules are used, the rule set
must contain all needed tables (incoming, forwarded, outgoing, D-
NAT and S-NAT).
Arctic Patrol menu
The Arctic Patrol, centralized monitoring and administration tool, is used via this
ARM600 includes the Arctic Patrol centralized device management application.
Arctic Patrol provides condition monitoring of the cellular connections, statistical
data of network usage, direct access to the connected Arctic 600 series wireless
gateway user interfaces, automatic backup of Arctic 600 series wireless gateway
configurations and alarms from any faults in the availability of the Arctic 600 series
wireless gateways. The Arctic Patrol interface can be accessed via ARM600. It offers
information about the entire communication system status at a glance.
Pre-installed in M2M Gateway ARM600
Condition monitoring of cellular connections
Statistical data of network usage
Direct access to the connected Arctic 600 series wireless gateway user interfaces
Automatic backup of Arctic 600 series wireless gateway configurations
Section 5
1MRS758861 A
User Manual