Signals and signal management
A function block has set of input and output signals. The placement of the signals
for a function block is from left to right. Input signals are placed on the left side
and output signals are placed on the right side.
A function block can contain more signals than needed in that application part. A
signal that is not used in a particular application is possible to hide in the function
block view in ACT.
Signals are located on both sides of the middle position up and down. When there
is space left, move some signals up or down for a better visibility and connection
Boolean input and output signals may need to be inverted to fulfill the logic. ACT
supports to add the inversion logic to a binary signal.
The input signal on glue logic function blocks can only be inverted
if a glue logic function block with lower execution order in the
same cycle time is available. Similar, the output signal can only be
inverted if a glue logic function block with higher execution order
in the same cycle time is available. Up to two input signals and two
output signals can be inverted for glue logic blocks in the same
cycle time.
Even though current is injected to the IED and the IED is connected
to PCM600 in online mode, the signal value in ACT is shown as zero.
All not mandatory input signals have a default value that will be used when not
Function block execution parameters
Three function block execution parameters have influence on the runtime execution
of the function block within the application configuration.
Execution order
Cycle time
Instance number
Each time a new function block is selected these parameters have to be selected. In
fixed mode user selects parameters from the drop down lists in ACT. In automatic
mode best suitable instance is selected automatically. Depending on the function
block type not all three parameters are selectable. The cycle time may be
predefined to one value. The instance number is a counter for the total possible
number of function blocks of that type used within an application configuration.
Section 5
1MRK 511 261-UEN -
Protection and control engineering
650 series
Engineering Manual