8.3.1 Charging with the automatic charger
To char ge the bat te ries you may lea ve the bat te ry pack in its bag at ta ched to
the wheel chair. First pull the plug of the po wer ca ble then in sert the plug of
the char ger en ti re ly into the char ging so cket. Fi nal ly plug the char ger into
the wall out let.
Sin ce the mo vi li no is sup po sed to be con nec ted to the char ger at all
ti mes whe ne ver it is not in use, you need to re mo ve the char ger from
the wall out let and pull the plug from the char ging so cket on the bat -
te ry pack every time be fo re you use it.
Be fo re char ging, plea se read and fol low all in struc tions and war ning
no tes prin ted on the char ger
Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH char ger!
Ne ver touch the plug with moist hands!
Sig nals of the char ger
8.3.2 Charging batteries in your vehicle
By me ans of the vol ta ge vol ta ge con ver ter you may even char ge your bat te ry
pack whi le dri ving your car.
First re mo ve the po wer ca ble. Then ful ly in sert the plug of the char ger into
the char ging so cket on the bat te ry pack. Then con nect the char ger to the
vol ta ge vol ta ge con ver ter. Fi nal ly you plug the vol ta ge con ver ter into the ci -
ga ret te lighter.
Af ter wards you first pull the vol ta ge converter’s plug from the ci ga ret te
lighter be fo re you dis con nect it from the char ger.
Sig nals of the char ger and the vol ta ge con ver ter