Af ter wards you can in sert the plug of the po wer ca ble into the so cket on the
bat te ry pack.
Plea se make sure that the po wer cable’s plug is dry and cle an.
Plug the po wer cable’s plug into the so cket on the mo vi li no.
Plea se make sure that the po wer cable’s plug is dry and cle an.
If the de vi ce is al rea dy at ta ched to the mo vi li no as des cri bed in chap ter 3.2
you are rea dy to go.
Detach the battery pack
To de tach the mo vi li no from your wheel chair, plea se re pe at the pro cess in
re ver sed or der (see chap ter 3.2.3 – chap ter 3.3)
First re mo ve the po wer ca ble from its so cket on the mo vi li no.
Plea se make sure that the anti-tilt sup port is also re mo ved!
Adjust the handle
Plea se ad just the hand le to the ap pro pria te and for the ope ra tor com for tab le
po si ti on.
Re lea se the tighte ning knob
by turning coun ter cloc kwi se. Pull out the
hand le to the ap pro pria te height
(ma xi mum shoul der height). Then re -
tighten the tighte ning knob.
Plea se al ways make sure that the tighte ning knob is secure!
Plea se ad just the hand le ex act ly ac cor ding to in struc tions (see pic -
tu re).
At ten ti on: avoid bruising at the nut’s ope ning!!!