3.2.3 Insert the movilino into the lower bracket on the wheelchair
Plea se use the lo cking bra kes of your wheel chair to avoid any mo ve -
ment of the chair whi le the mo vi li no is being moun ted.
Tilt the mo vi li no slight ly bac kwards. As soon as the de vi ce sits on its
wheels you may push the mo vi li no back and forth. This only works if
you keep the de vi ce til ted bac kwards!
The se hel ping wheels are only ac ti ve when the de vi ce is til ted!
Make sure that the anti-tilt sup port is re mo ved!
Now push the mo vi li no from be hind the wheel chair un der the chair
un til the lo wer rod
is in ser ted all the way into the lo wer bra cket
of the wheel chair.
3.2.4 Insert the movilino into the upper bracket on the wheelchair
The re are two pos si bi li ties to in sert the mo vi li no into the up per bra ckets on
the wheel chair.
Pos si bi li ty 1:
Tilt the mo vi li no for ward to lift the up per bra cket.
The mo vi li no, alig ned in the cen ter of its up per sup port
sli des into
the up per bra ckets
the ad ju sting rings rest snu gly against the in -
si de of the bra ckets on both si des.
Pos si bi li ty 2:
Plug the po wer ca ble into the movilino’s bat te ry pack as des cri bed
in chap ter 3.3.
In sert the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne immobiliser into its ap pro pria te
Now turn on the de vi ce. At this point the run ning wheels are au to -
ma ti cal ly mo ving downward and the up per sup port is lif ted up.
Is the mo vi li no alig ned in the cen ter of its up per sup port
sli des
into the up per bra ckets
the ad ju sting rings rest snu gly at the in si -
de of the bra ckets on both si des.
Plea se make sure that the lo wer sup port is pro per ly hoo ked into the
lo wer bra ckets on the wheel chair! This goes for both pos si bi li ties!
The ad ju sting rings must al ways be at the in si de of the bra ckets!