Plea se do not dri ve to the edge of stairs or pre ci pi ces with the mo vi li no tur -
ned on.
Plea se do not at tach any thing to the movilino’s hand le!
Plea se check the anti-tilt sup port be fo re each use. Plea se do not dri ve bac -
kwards against a wall with moun ted anti-tilt sup port be cau se they could jam
and thus not functi on pro per ly
At ten ti on, if the po we red wheels do not au to ma ti cal ly go up ward
any mo re, it is dif fi cult to re mo ve the mo vi li no. You need a lot more
phy si cal po wer (see chap ter 3.2.3 – 3.3). In such case plea se first
ap ply the lo cking bra kes!
When you use mass trans por ta ti on such as bus, sub way, tram, etc.) plea se
turn off the mo vi li no and use the lo cking bra kes on your wheel chair.
Plea se pay ex tra at ten ti on when cros sing streets, in ter sec tions or rail way
cros sings.
Plea se ne ver cross rails (e.g. rail way tracks) in a par al lel way be cau se the
wheels could be jam med.
4.1.1 Environmental conditions, electro-magnetic compatibility:
Elec -
tro-mag ne tic com pa ti bi li ty me ans that an elec tric de vi ce functions pro per ly
in its elec tro-mag ne tic en vi ron ment wit hout in flu en cing ot her de vi ces in the
same en vi ron ment.
The mo vi li no suc cess ful ly pas sed all the EMV tests re qui red by law. Ne ver -
the less, al ways check whet her the device’s elec tro nic functions work pro -
per ly be fo re each use. This is par ti cu lar ly im por tant if the re is an ae ri al mast
ne ar by.
Plea se note that the mo vi li no may in ter fe re with ot her elec tro nic
devices’ sen si ti ve elec tro-mag ne tic fields (e.g. anti-theft sys tems in
de part ment sto res). This may also hap pen if you con nect ot her de vi -
Also make sure that the mo vi li no is not ope ra ted in clo se pro xi mi ty
to me di cal de vi ces with a high po ten ti al for dan ger and/or life-sup -
por ting functions as well as di ag nos tic de vi ces.
4.1.2 Climate:
To en su re pro per functio ning it is not ad vi sa ble to ex po se
the mo vi li no to free zing con di tions. Should this be una voi da ble, al ways put
the de vi ce in a non-free zing en vi ron ment for at least one hour be fo re using it
(see chap ter 2.3).
At this point check the de vi ce be fo re ope ra ti on. Should your mo vi li -
no not functi on pro per ly, plea se call your lo cal dea ler or AAT di rect -
In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the mo vi li no may only be
ope ra ted by peo ple in struc ted in the use of the de vi ce and furt her by peo ple
who are phy si cal ly and men tal ly ca pa ble to ma na ge the mo vi li no in all si tua -
tions that may oc cur whi le using it.
Operation / attendant:
Tho rough in struc ti on into the use of the mo -
vi li no by your dea ler or a re pre sen ta ti ve of AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik is part
of the de li very pa cka ge and ta kes pla ce at an ap point ment of your choi ce.
This is a free ser vi ce at no ex tra char ge.
Do not use the mo vi li no wit hout being trai ned to ope ra te it.