Control and display elements
Be fo re we get to the ac tu al in struc tions for ope ra ti on, we would like to in tro -
du ce the mo vi li no's most im por tant com po nents to you.
Your mo vi li no is rea dy to go when you re cei ve it. Once the mo vi li no is cor -
rect ly moun ted and con nec ted, you can turn it on and use it im me di ate ly.
Plea se prac ti se using it with an emp ty wheel chair to get a fee ling for the ma -
chi ne and its functions.
Control unit
The wheel chair driver’s at ten dant con trols all of the movilino’s functions by
me ans of the con trol unit.
It is pos si ble to supp ly you with a left-hand ed con trol for ad di tio nal
char ge.
6.1.1 ON/OFF switch
The ON/OFF switch
is lo ca ted on the con trol unit (stan dard ver si on, right
hand le). It is pos si ble to supp ly you with a left-hand ed con trol for ad di tio nal
char ge.
Af ter tur ning the mo vi li no on with the ON/OFF switch, the device’s elec tro -
nics per form an au to ma tic sa fe ty check. If the re is no mal functi on, the hub
mo tor au to ma ti cal ly mo ves downward. This pro cess lasts ap pro xi ma te ly 5 to
10 se conds. Once the hub mo tor is com ple te ly lo we red, you hear an acous -
tic sig nal.
The mo vi li no is equip ped with a turn off fea tu re: if the de vi ce is on
and has not been used for 5 mi nu tes, the turn off fea tu re swit ches
the mo vi li no off au to ma ti cal ly. In such case you can only use the
mo vi li no again by pres sing the ON/OFF switch.
If the de vi ce is at a stand still for a lon ger pe ri od of time, plea se turn it off.
The hub mo tor au to ma ti cal ly mo ves back up. If it mo ves back all the way,
you hear an acous tic sig nal once again. At this point you can push the
wheel chair ma nu al ly.
6.1.2 Speed control
The speed con trol
al lows you to pre-se lect speed.
Turn the speed con trol coun ter-cloc kwi se all the way for mi ni mum
You must be gin with mi ni mum speed when you use the mo vi li no for the first
6.1.3 Safety chip for the engine immobiliser
The mo vi li no only works if you in sert the the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im -
mo bi li ser
into its pro per slot. Plea se make sure that the chip snaps in be -
cau se only then the mo vi li no works pro per ly.
If you do not in sert the chip, you can turn on the de vi ce, but it does not work.
This is a sa fe ty fea tu re to en su re that no un aut ho ri zed per son uses the mo vi -
li no.